Warning this page below contains spoilers.
The Alpha Raptor
Narrated by Silver
He was my first recruit of the timber wolf order and they say no one forgets their first. Ace was on the verge of killing his enemy, the raptor cards before I came along. You might say Soulless sent me there at the best time to help him out and I got so banged up buying him time in his endeavor.
Ace started out with one power the ability to make things explode. By touching it with his hands at will. He fought 5 opponents each with different but similar powers. When they were dead he absorbed their abilities making him an unstoppable force. However it came with a price, his mental state requires meditation. His personality can go hostile without reason.
He had a lover named 8 who was everything to him. Sadly it was his turning point to go after his enemy when they killed her. It's cliche that the death of loved one makes you go on a rampage. But that's exactly what happened.
Ace was also given her ability to be immune to explosions when 8 passed away. King's sword, Queen's cannon gems, Jack's proximity, 10's punches and Joker's feet all six powers are his after the fight.
My opinion on him is that he is one of my strongest warriors. He is a good friend and a great leader.
The Raptor Cards
The scared Raptor
Narrated by Ace
Ten is your typical muscle bound idiot. I've seen him dozens of times because Joker uses him as a messenger. Ten is blood thirsty like the rest, but he has shown fear often. Joker would strike fear into anyone's heart.
One time long ago I fought him, long before Silver showed up. Before the battle got to deep he fled, not like a coward. He retreated as someone who was being cautious. I heard from a human Joker beat the hell out of him for that stunt.
Ten's ability is the least impressive of all of us. He's got two ignition spots one on each elbow. Creating an explosion to make a rocket fast punch.
It is no secret he is the weakest of us, but he is still very formidable.
The Wise Raptor
Narrated by Ace
Queen is Joker's second in command not King. Mainly because she keeps a cool head in battle as well as a brilliant strategist. Personally I think if Joker had to worry about a rival Queen was the best bet.
Back in the day I witnessed Queen question Joker in front of me. Queen then threatened Joker saying she couldn't die without losing all subordinates dying as well. They completely forgot about threatening me at the time. While giving each other the death glare, but in different ways. Joker looked at her with hate and Queen looked at her as if she beat her as a prom queen. For a moment I thought I might have had an ally. That thought left my mind quickly when she killed a man nearby, just for kicks.
Queen has an unusual ability that I can't logically explain myself. On her palms are gems that shoot energy that trigger explosions. What makes her unique from the rest of us all is she mentally controls the size of the blast. Whether shooting a can off a fence or blowing up a sky scraper.
Another thing I believe Queen and King are a couple and she plays that idiot like a drum. Which again I mention she is a rival to Joker.
The Scarlet raptor
The Strong Raptor
Narrated by Ace
I had learned more about her after she went berserk and revived the raptor cards. Apparently she was a very powerful and intelligent being before she went crazy. I also learned she had been the first of us to be released in general. Joker was a war hero in simple terms and the idiots in charge made her what she was. The politics around our creation were morons to say the least.
Joker was raised in the belief that I was her one true mate. So when I chose 8 over her it was a betrayal of massive calamity in her mind. If only things had been different on many levels she and I would have fallen in love.
Those details aside Joker is by all counts out of her freaking mind. Her mission upon waking up after me was to destroy, conquer and torment the world. Not because it was her birth right, but because she enjoyed it. Just like a child burning ants with a magnifying glass.
Her power is the same as mine only with her feet instead of her hands. Also she has mastered a way to ride explosions like a surfer on a real good wave.
And I want it on record even though we are raptor people and a sense of attraction is bizarre. I did find Joker to be very alluring.
Narrated by Ace
The gambler of the bunch by far and second most evil. Jack would often bet with Joker who could kill certain prey faster or more efficient. They would bet valuables they took off the dead, just like poker chips. Among other things Jack took pleasure in the suffering of others. Not because he was made to be evil, but because it was part of who he is.
Joker thought of him as entertainment and nothing more. He wanted to take my place as her mate, to assume something like that to her. She would bet him how many times she'd have to kill him before his head cleared.
Jack's power is proximity explosions. It seemed to fit like he was throwing cards that detonated on impact. Truth be told the fact we were named after cards wasn't his motive. He used cards because he was programed to know how to throw them. Throwing a spear or rock just didn't feel right. Even though he did use them at times.
In my opinion, Jack deserves a death of suffering. Not just splattering because I grab his head with my hands. I would see him locked in box to expire with time.
Narrated by Ace
I have a personal vendetta against him not by events but by birthright. Don't get me wrong I have many reasons to hate him from his deeds. King is my rival to the throne in a way of saying. If something were to happen to me King would take my place. I wish I could of been there when he made a play for Joker's hand. What I was told about the incident was Joker broke one of his fingers clean off. It grew back because of an object called the 4 suits since then he has been close to Queen.
King is a predator when it comes to battle with precision. His personality is that of a soldier put through 20 years of consistent boot camp. His best description is the perfect soldier's mental state.
His weapon the spade sword is tricky to explain, but I'll do my best. It's shaped in the image of a spade and a rapier. The sword releases a microscopic beam when in motion. The longer the movement the greater the range, with me so far? The beam cuts through almost anything creating small microscopic explosions. So if he had enough motion. He could cut a building in half from miles away. The motion is movement duration not speed. Whether he twirls the sword in the air or slashing it at something without pause.
The Immune Raptor
The Sword Raptor
Narrated by Ace
8 was the greatest thing in the world to me before Silver came into my life. I loved her for many years and she was the only reason that kept me going. Through all the time enduring our kind destroying the planet. There is an old saying happy women make a happy village. If not for her I would have probably committed suicide at some point in time. It's true Alpha kept me going but most of the credit goes to her.
There was little data I could find on raptors 9 through 2. The thing everyone remembers like the plague, is the peace gene. Every raptor beneath Ten was inflicted with this defect, myself included I think. The gene is self explanatory and thank God I didn't have to fight the other seven. Seriously, that would have been just ridiculous.
8's power is immunity to other explosions against her body. Except she was never in combat. Where that ability would be most useful.
On a personal note 8 had a motherly affection for a child among the years. This girl was everything to her and when she passed away from a virus it devastated her. When the girl died something changed in her that never allowed her to love like that again.
Raptor Eggs
Other Information
Narrated by Ace
8 and I tried at one point to make eggs. We tried for a few months but had no luck. Only once did we even think 8 was going to produce offspring. Her body chemistry changed for a time but then went back to regular. I was disappointed, but she was devastated, because she thought it was her fault.
Joker never mated like that with any of the 3 men. A long time ago she approached me to ask about it. But I know for certain she never laid eggs.
This was a subject that almost caused civil conflict between the raptor cards. Queen laid 3 eggs in all the chaos of domination over the planet. One day the eggs disappeared from Queens nest. The previous week Joker had argued about claim to her off spring. Queen told Joker to shove her own foot in her rectum.
When the eggs disappeared Queen was ready to break command. Then it was discovered humans had stolen the eggs to sell. Those folks destroyed them before they were caught. Boy did Queen tear them apart. And that's all there ever was to raptor card procreation in history.
Oh, and King was the father
The character Alpha
Narrated by Ace
One day an old man fleeing the raptor cards sought me out. I didn't know much about him or what his real name was. All I knew at the time was he came to help me get stronger and more skilled. I was truly not the raptor I am now before him. I thought of only staying out of the others way in hopes they would do the same.
Alpha told me that I was the strongest of my kind and one day I could defeat them. I asked him how did he know all this, but he didn't bother to answer. Over the next few years Alpha taught me combat, how to move and think as a warrior. He showed me a daily run I could perform that was challenging, yet simple. The weapon I chose was a rod. Alpha was like a father to me as well as a great friend.
Then one day they came for him. They told him that he could no longer go on living because he was teaching me. Alpha gave up everything for me and died for me and I didn't know his true identity. That's when I knew I had to do all I could to help others. One day I would rise to defeat my others.
I looked for any record of him before and after his death. He had to have played some part in my creation or back log. However the only time I saw the word alpha it was referring to me. Also there was no mention of an instructor for any of us. Just who the hell was he
The City of battle
Narrated by Ace
The destruction of the planet took only a few years to happen. At least all the major areas were destroyed and left to ruin. After that my kind hunted the survivors like animals as if they we sport. One might ask how 5 of us could conquer a planet on our own. Keep in mind we can create explosions the size of small yield nuclear weapons.
After they were bored with what was left. Their only real amusement was me. Which was why they hung out in the capital city so close to me. Coming by whenever to harass me and kill those I tried to save.
There was nothing else really holding them there except it was the biggest location around.
The sports dome I fought Joker in was once the pride of the nation for all kinds of events. It's kind of poetic that we fought to the death in grandest arena the humans had to offer.
The back story of Joker and Ace
Narrated by Ace
I don't particularly think of myself as a solid good guy, but Joker is the solid side of evil. I think back to when I first met her. She was obsessed with me, wanting to be my lover as we destroyed everything. Maybe if 8 hadn't been there she might have listened to me in living a peaceful life. Whoever was in charge of creating us screwed up her mentality and the world suffered because of it.
Over the years of chaos and destruction Joker kept an eye on me at all times. The question most of my refugees asked was why didn't she have me killed. I answered because she was afraid of me. I was the one being that could challenge her power and that of the others. Immediately after answering them, the question was didn't I challenge her. My answer was 3 reasons, first if I died, the people's last defense would be gone. Second, 8 didn't want me to fight. Finally the third, a part of me cared for Joker, just a programmed feeling. I didn't want to kill her, but to hell with the others.
I grew more and more hate for the woman every time I got a visit. It wasn't always her, but they would report to me how they killed and destroyed each time we met. I should have put Joker in her place long before Silver, 8 might still be alive if I had. On the other hand Silver did provide a critical role in her defeat.
As I killed Joker in the end, part of me mourned her passing. But my rage and battle mentality clouded my feelings at the time of her defeat. Now I just wish none of this had ever happened. The universe would have been a much better place without the raptor cards. That is a fact for certain.
Bonus Stories -unedited-
-The men in masks-
By Michael James
Part 1 Born
In the lab...
“Where... where am I?” Joker looked around the room. Seeing several men wearing surgical masks. She was bare and embarrassed to be so. Yes she was a raptor girl, but still it was humiliating. “Excuse me, can I have something to cover myself with?”
“Success, the first of the raptor cards to actually survive.” She used her hands to cover herself. “My friend give her your lab coat. We cant have our hard work sitting there in the nude. His subordinate took off his lab coat. Joker was frail, confused and scared. The man in charge introduced himself as Dr. Decker. “We wont hurt you, I would swear my life on it.” Joker then asked where she was? “For now I will tell you that you are in a safe place. A secret lab where we will protect you.”
“Why am I in the nude?” He explained she had just come out of a flesh pod. If she looked to her right. The pod was still there. “Okay” she said being more fearful. Decker told her that they weren't sure if she was going to die. Just like the others that came before her. Had they been certain she would live. They would have dressed her. “What others that came before me?” Many had died, drowning in their pods.
“Sir, perhaps I should take her to get washed up.” Said a woman in the doorway. Decker told her this woman would not hurt her. She would take her to a shower and clothes.
A little while later...
“Do the clothes fit?”
“Yes, everything but the bra. I guess being a lizard woman. It would be near to impossible to get my waist size right.” The lady chuckled, then Joker gave out a bit of laughter.
“Please come, Dr. Decker wants to see you as soon as he can.” Joker walked down the halls. The environment was combination of lab and a shelter. “Sir, I brought her.” Decker dismissed her and invited Joker to eat something on the table. It was all he had to offer, sandwiches. She did not complain.
“I don't believe anyone has told you your given name. You are Joker, the future wife of the raptor card leader. She asked what her purpose was beside a wife? Was she to make children. “I'm afraid that level of development is beyond us. No, you are to to serve as second in command. You are weapons, who will conquer and destroy everything.” Joker became scared by these words.
“Ace will kill the kings of the queens, to have Jacks and tens rule all.”
That phrase was her activation command. Her war frenzy and aggression surfaced. At that moment, she became a weapon. It as simple as entering a password on a computer. In a moment her personality changed forever. Joker first action was a wicked smile.
“I know what I was created for now. I welcome my career as an ultimate weapon. Do tell me, when will my mate be born?” Decker told her a while yet. Ace was the most important. His birthing must be the utmost perfect of all and had to be the last. Did she know why they wore the masks? “That way, when it comes time to act. I will destroy all, if I don't know your faces. I will not be emotionally attached.
“Very good, now I want you to strip.” This was a test to see if her fear of humility had dissolved. She stood there, bare with the same smile on her face. She asked if he was interested? “Go to your quarters, we start training you tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and put your clothes on before you leave my office.” Why?
The next day,
in a massive box canyon...
“She is perfect.” WHAT? Decker shook his head. Joker was flying from one end of the canyon to the other. Launching herself and making deafening noise. Her strength and combat skills were unmatched. Brutish prisoners were put in cages with her, with weapons. Joker just decimated them without fault.
In Decker's office...
“Yes sir, I believe you will be impressed.”
Part 2
You're A Fail Safe, Nothing More
A week later
in Joker's room...
“I see, this is what a man looks like.” Joker requested a certain magazine. She was looking it over with great interest. Decker knocked on the door. “Come in.” He walked in the room and it was very awkward. “Sir, what can I do for you?”
“The man funding this project is visiting us tomorrow. He is most eager to meet you.” She asked if she would be killing anyone for him? “Perhaps, he mostly wants us to prove the millions he's sank into this project. Are going to show results.” She was alive, wouldn't that qualify as a result? “A very big result, he just wants to know that you'll carry out his wishes. So yes, you will be killing many people.”
“Decker, I have a question.” Yes? “Do all men have this thing?” Decker looked at her and asked her to focus. “I'm focused, I now know I'm going to kill someone. This is very important and I will not make you look foolish. Now on to biology...”
The next day...
“Hello sir, its a pleasure.” This man was 4ft 5inch, a physically challenged man. He looked Joker over and gazed at her chest a bit. Not saying a word to her. He asked Decker if the demonstration was ready. “Yes, I'm ready to kill for your entertainment.” He snapped at Joker, telling her only to talk when spoken to. As he walked past her Joker looked at Decker. “Am I to service this man?” Decker told her that was unlikely. “Because I don't mind.”
In the booth,
in the box canyon...
“I specifically asked for a mindless pawn Decker! You created a girl with a thought of free will. I am most disappointed already. Pray I am not disappointed further.”
Joker stood in the canyon center. Prisoners with guns and blades were all around her. Several dozen men and women. Not knowing what they were up against. Begin...
Everyone with a gun opened fire. Joker shot up through the air. Killing man in the blast. As she fell she did a nose dive. A dozen prisoners shot her from the distance. Joker rushed them and killed them flying past. She picked up a machine gun on her way by. When she reached the canyon wall. Joker opened fire on them. Her shots were extremely accurate for her weapon. A man holding a sword was soon. The only one left. She walked up to him picking up a batton.
They stared each other down. Then he charged and Joker met him half way. Without a use of her powers, she cleaved off his head. Hitting him at the neck with the rod.
“You see sir, she is a perfect weapon.” The short man told them he wanted her bound. “Yes sir.” Joker didn't even resist as they strapped her to a wall. In her state, if they decided to kill her. She couldn't do anything about it. The short guy told the staff to leave.
When they were alone...
“You were a very expensive endeavor. Every time they failed to make one of you. It cost me over a million in currency. I could have bought a small country. For the cost of having you made. I must say I am most disappointed you were the final result.”
“You use precision, skill and honor. I wanted something that will destroy anything like a mad man. No sense of honor or precise movement. As far as I'm concerned your still a failure.” Joker opened her mouth to talk several times, no words came out. “Speak, you obviously have something to say, out with it!”
“Sir, I will serve my purpose as your doomsday weapon. You can count on me to bend the world to your will.” He took a taser out of his pocket. Asking if she thought that was his wish. “I assumed it was. Was that not the reason for my creation?”
He jolted her in the stomach saying “you do not assume anything! You were created to be a fail safe, nothing more. I have a terminal cancer and I'm doing everything to screw over the world. When I die, your kind will destroy the world. Killing everything ion your wake. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!” Joker asked him to please stop hurting her. She would carry out these orders without question.
2 days later,
still strapped to the wall...
“Decker, may I please be set free?” He told her as he stuck a syringe in her neck he was sorry. “What are you doing?” His orders.
Part 3
Beyond over night...
“Hey can you please let me go. I need to stretch my legs.” The man told Joker that she would be set free soon. “Why not now?” He didn't have permission to let her go. “Come on just let me move one hand.” He didn't see the harm in letting her move her hand a bit. He let loose the restraint and she grabbed him by the neck. With an immediate notion she dented his skull with her fist. He fell to the floor. Just not before she claimed the key card. Following which she released herself.
In the short guys office...
“Don't tell me you are feeling compassion for that creature? You will finish her treatments.” Decker told his employer that it wasn't love for a woman. It was a love for a sister. He refused to finish what he started. “That's to bad” he said pulling a gun on him. During this tense moment. A worker barged in.
“Sir's, the weapon has escaped. We must get you out of here.” Decker charged the short man and he shot him in hip. The guard pulled out his gun and shot the employer.
“Do not... harm... her.” Decker said falling to the floor in pain. Soon after that Joker walked into the room where Decker was. The hired hands didn't attack her. They just let her wander where she pleased. She looked at the 2 men.
“What happened here?” The guard told her everything. Joker put her foot on the short mans head. He went everywhere in a single second. “I want to be alone with Decker now.” He was in a lot of pain, and was treated. It was illogical to think you'd go to a hospital. In their line of work anyway. “Decker, I sense loyalty to me here.”
“Joker... I have a reversal serum. Its... in my... office. My... last... service to you. It... will make... you...” Decker died with his head on her lap. Joker seemed upset, and yet overjoyed.
“You there, take me to this serum.” Joker was escorted to his office. The serum was easily attainable. When the syringe was in her hand. She sprayed it into the air. Everyone was anxious around her. Joker was a multi million currency weapon. What caused more confusion was what she said next. “Put me to sleep. When I wake I expect to be able to destroy. With my mate by my side. I don't see the point in destroying this world alone.” Joker willingly walked to a stasis pod prototype.
“Initializing deep sleep status. Keep all away from the closing door” said the automated voice. Joker looked at everyone as it closed on her. Thinking these guys are were going to destroy her, but who cares.
-The Peace Gene-
By Michael James
Part 1 Wrong Resume
19 years, after she went to sleep...
Alert pod is now opening...
“Mm, well I see I still have my clothes on. I guess that's an improvement to the last time I became aware.” Before her was a man in a surgical mask with dark black skin. Beside him were men with tasers. “I assume you're going to jolt me?”
“I wasn't sure if you would be hostile when I woke you up. There is no need for violence from either side.” Joker smiled with her teeth grinning. Turn off the rods and she would play nice. “Disarm yourselves. We woke her up for her help, not to hurt her.” Joker had one immediate request. She needed to use a toilet. “I'll fresh clothes brought to you. You may find difficulty removing your old ones.”
In the lavatory...
“The guy wasn't kidding, Its like their glued to my body. Hey, whoever is out there. I need help.” A young man walked in seeing her chest exposed. He quickly turned his head. Telling her, if she took a shower. The old fabric would come off easier. “Have you never seen these things before?” He said he had been castrated. “That's got to suck. Please take me to the shower. Just give me your coat.”
After her wash...
“Next time I go into that thing. I'll be nude. I feel like I just shed a second layer of skin. The same guy wearing a mask was standing outside the door. He was waiting to take her to his boss. “Hey, did you peak?” No! “Do you want to take a peak?” He muttered no again only softer. “What happens next?” He was to take her to Lung.
In Lung's office...
“Joker, please come in. Can I offer you something to eat or drink?” She'd like a hard beverage. “All I have is whiskey.” That would be most excellent. He filled a full glass, and she shot it in one gulp. “Now getting to business.”
“Yes well, the last time I was in this office. Both my provider and employer died. I would prefer not to be in this room long.” Lung asked if there was somewhere else she'd like to talk? “Anywhere else is fine. Do tell me, were the others created?”
“This way...” Lung took her to the capsule room. There she saw Ace through the glass. Joker was most pleased with how he looked. Then asked when she got to meet him? “I would like not to wake him. He is reacting negatively to the peace gene.” What was that? “Its a retro virus, designed to make him less hostile.
“I'm confused, aren't you going to release us to destroy the world?” No, he wanted them to save it. “YOU MUST BE JOKING!” “I know this wasn't what you were designed for initially.”
“Lung! Did you not read my resume?” He said that he woke her for an assignment. That was why they risked waking her up without the gene. “Who else has the gene implanted?” 2 through 9, the strongest ones were reacting with tolerance to the virus. “Who is it you want me to kill?” There was a dictator destroying the world with bombers. “Okay that sounds like fun. Where do I find him?”
“This locator is linked to his privet aircraft. He stops and raids airports for fuel” he told and her the device. “He hasn't destroyed much yet, but I've been trying hard to get this elite unit approved. If you succeed, I would get permission to set all of you free.”
“I want to be with my mate. Promise me I'll be with him and I promise to take this guy out.” He swore the first after her to woken up, would be Ace. “You got yourself a deal. How do I get out of here?” Lung told her, that he had body armor for her and weapons.
Part 2
Seagull Air Harbor
3 weeks,
after being deployed...
“You know how pretty you are little flight attendant?” She begged him not to hurt her. And as he leaned in for a kiss. His radio blared, followed by gunfire in the distance. “What the hell is going on?!” The guys shouted they were under attack by a dinosaur. “You must be joking, a dinosaur?!” They repeated there was a raptor firing at them! “Uhg, how long until all my planes are fulled?” 20 minutes or less!
In the airport...
“I can say I like this weapon, except it's slowing me down.” Joker was armed with a high caliber LMG. Which was to heavy for a human to use. She discarded it and pulled out blades.
“Whatever the hell it is, its out of ammo. Lets take it out!” Joker was offended she was referred to as an it. Now she needed to make them pay. While she was in combat. Lung was watching her with his boss. On the video feed from the airport cameras.
“Lets rock!” She shot herself at them. In one charge, she killed 12 of them and wounded 3. “Oops, I didn't mean to let you live? I'll correct that mistake.” Her next charge, she killed the wounded and 5 more. This was when she got creative with her movement. The best way to describe her attack. Was looking at a super fast pong game. She was aiming for walls and killing every chance she got.
In the main plane...
“Why are there so many explosions? It sounds like a tank battalion going over a mine field in there!” That was when he saw Joker shoot up through the roof. “Okay, that does look like a dinosaur. GET MY FLEET IN THE AIR!” His men asked about the hostages? “Throw them out of the planes. We need to get out of here!”
In Lung's office...
“Alright, I approve of the use of these weapons. You will have your funding ASAP. I just ask that you keep a leash on her. She a most dangerous and beautiful weapon.
On the runway,
in a massive plane...
“That thing is coming for us?”
“Impressive that it can keep up with us.” He put a gun to the pilots head saying be in awe later. Right now his job was to keep him alive. “I understand sir.”
While they were lifting to the air. Joker was in fact gaining on them. Like a bullet gaining ground on a ball shot from a bebe gun. The guys plane lifted off the ground. Followed by 11 bombers. They thought they were in the clear. Except the rear craft lost sight of Joker. These bombers were able to seat 5 men. All sitting down
“I don't understand, how could you have lost sight of it?!” Very soon they heard a banging sound above. “You have to be joking. It attached itself to the hull?!” This was the last thing they heard before the craft blew up. In the explosion, Joker caught a ride like a rocket to the next. From one bomber to another. Until all that was left was the dictators craft. Which was the size of Air Force 1. Rather than just blow it up. She thought she should have a little fun.
“You protect me you hear. I don't want this thing to kill me! Protect me with your life or by god help me...” As soon as the word me left his mouth. A door was ripped off the plane. “I AM MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU!” He ran to the planes lowest level and hid like a child. There was a great deal of gunfire going off. When he started to cry the shots stopped. Joker walked down the stairs.
“I smell urine. Why not come out and talk to me me, man to woman. He had a pistol in his hand. A 6 round revolver. He pointed it at her as he stood up in soiled pants? “There you are.”
“I... I have cash. I'll give you all I have, just don't kill me. Wait I know, why don't you come work for me. Yes, together we can bring this world to its knees.”
“You think I need your help to do that? Don't worry though, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to rip your limbs off. That way I can take you to my employer. I'm sure he'd love to meet you.” The guy put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately the chamber jammed. “Bad luck for you sir.”
“I want my mommy...” less than an hour later. The plane crashed into a mountain side. With a guy with no arms and legs strapped to the pilots chair. Screaming at the top of his lungs for his mother to come save him. Joker broadcast his last words to Lung.
He was scared of her malicious behavior to say the least.
Part 3
The 4 Suits Object
When Joker walked,
through the front door...
“Joker, you are to follow me to the canyon area” said a soldier. She didn't have a problem with this. In fact she would enjoy a little demonstration. As she walked into the canyon. Lung was there with general who was funding the project.
“I was most impressed with your work. I see a bright future ahead for you” said the general. Lung congratulated her as well. She wanted what was promised to her. “I was made aware of the deal Lung made with you. I just would prefer it just be you for now.” Excuse me? “You see letting you all loose might steer a sign of stupidity. I mean you were more than enough to take out a terrorist on your own. Think of how much we can save just funding you.”
“I was promised my mate!”
“And he was not in a position to grant that request.” Joker started to growl at him. “I see, I knew you were going to be difficult.” 15 men standing in the canyon. Pulled out stun guns shot enough voltage in her to power a small town. When Joker came out of it. She was restrained in arm and leg locks. Her feet in a position where they couldn't touch anything. There were 5 men ready to jolt her if she escaped.
“Oh I'm going to love to hear an explanation for this.” The general visited her a little while later, she was not impressed. “When I get free from these cuffs I'm going to kill you.” He smiled and told her that when she was submissive. She would be set free. “I don't think you understand. You killed my trust. The only thing you had to control me with. Now I'm going to lay siege to your world.”
In a research room...
“That Decker guy was so far ahead of his time. He managed to create the set of them. Just using his last will and testament.” Lung asked why he was called down to the lab? “Yes sir, their cores for their explosive powers are completely flesh made and eternal. The more they use their powers. The longer life span they will have.”
“Now, this device I'm holding that is the size of a large marble. This is beyond impressive! It fuel their cores and as long as it is exposed to explosive energy. The raptors connected to it will never die. The only draw backs are. Its a one way street, once exposed it cant be reversed. The other thing is, if its destroyed those under its protection will die.” Lung felt there was something else. “It would probably cleanse the peace gene. Meaning we cant use this for or against them.”
“I think we should destroy her” said the general walking in. “Take our chances with the model.” Lung told him she was dangerous, but alive versus dead. The organization could learn volumes more with her alive. Besides, they were the ones that betrayed her. “Yes... and?” What did he mean and? “You're on the government payroll. Taking more time to study a new weapon. Means a longer amount of paychecks.”
“Lets put her to sleep. I can still learn from her while shes in a sleeping state.” When he stopped talking the alarm sounded off. “General, a small army, and a fleet of bombers couldn't stop her. I doubt we could stop her ourselves.” What would he suggest? “Give her what she wanted for the time being.”
“You're insane. You think we should release another one!?” Lung told him that she would eventually find them. It was only a matter of time. He put a gun to Lung's head “find another way.”
“Its to late... she's behind you.” He jerked his head seeing nothing, before he knew it. Lung broke his arm and took the gun. “You may have destroyed our world general. I call this mercy, you would be sentenced to torture, for damning us all.” After the shot was fired. He told the staff to go hide.
When Joker found him...
Putting the gun to his head he asked “do you want this?” Joker had pretty much killed everyone. She could smell him and saved him for last. Joker laughed...
“You think your death would mean anything to me. The only thing I would ask is for you to have a slower death.” If she allowed him he would wake her mate. “I pretty sure I can figure that out on my own. When we all are awake. We will destroy this entire planet. We will use your kind to hunt for sport. Almost like cattle raised for slaughter.” Lung was scared to death of her, still he had a plan.
He pointed his gun to the ceiling. Attached to the ceiling, were several electric grenades. Joker didn't have time to look up.
Part 4
She Will Wake Up
In a hearing...
“Lung, you are charged with insubordination. As well as the murder of a general. Granted you were in your rights to kill him. Had you not silenced the threat and stopped your commanding officer. We all may have been destroyed. I am ordering the termination of the raptor card project. At least for the time being.” The time being? “They are to be kept in stasis, for one day we will call on them again.”
In the facility...
“She could wake at anytime. All she needs to do is pull the same stunt” one scientist said to the other. Lung walked into the room. Telling them they were putting her back in her pod. “We better do it quick.” The sedatives they were using would wear off soon.”
“She deceives you. She is already awake.”
“I was hoping I could get the drop on you Lung. I wanted you to be my first victim after I escaped my bindings. Lung held up a dead man switch. With a combination lock to disarm it. “What is this?” There was a vial of toxin implanted in her head. The switch he held would break the vial. “You're lying.”
“My general burned you for no good reason. I feel tremendous guilt for it. If you weren't hostile to my country, things would be different. I'm a patriot, I serve my country before myself.”
“How noble.” Joker touched the claws on one foot and detonated them. Lung broke the vial with the switch. Instead of slowing her down like was intended. Joker's brain went through a deformity. Making her far more insane than she currently was. Her words didn't even make sense. Spouting like a toddler learning mama.
“Don't just stand there. Carry her to the pod!” Joker was aware of what was happening. She fought all she could to get free. Struggling to the last as they locked her in the pod. Following the notion to put her to sleep. Her last word was...