
Narrated by herself

It's a tradition for kitsune leaders to be named after an Earth month. My being named April was more of a joke that no one took seriously. Another April was supposed to be born from a different family, yet I eventually got branded with the leader position.

I bare the mark of death. To which I can create instant death to those I touch, and I can do it at will. I also have other gifts that are exclusive and unexclusive to kitsune. At the time of this profile interview I have on record 9 children from various lovers. I've had bad Husbands and good Husband and one I really enjoyed killing for making my early life hell.

I manage my affairs in my city that I built from the ground up. I have generals, soldiers, citizens for every profession. Even some really interesting ones who won't serve anyone else but me.


Narrated by April

Some say that she was a love interest to my first husband Toya, back when they were both young. He told me about her past a couple times and assured me she was not my rival. My personal opinion of Skip, is that she is an invaluable ally and I'd never give her up.

She bares the mark of a Zenko priestess, she even swore to a life of celibacy. Meaning if a man does enter, he will die upon touch. The reason she chose this life style was because of her past.

Skip was living on the street, constantly being harassed by boys in unthinkable ways. Toya would often extend hospitality to her, but she didn't stick around to long. She was afraid her problems would become his problems. Until one fateful day she was taken in by the temple and became a warrior priestess.

Her powers are a triple header, her teachings in holy magic, the use of talismans. And her 3rd ability is to teleport long distances with other passengers when necessary.

Her weapons are swamp branches with holy dagger long blades on the ends. One of her favored abilities is to turn wood into holy steel, but she does like the small lightweight blades. I couldn't care less because she knows how to use them well.

Narrated by April

Pitch, like most other generals of mine was in a cell when he came into my life. I offered him a life outside of a prison because I felt he would be reliable. The guy stank of filth and looked as though he had not been out of his room in months or years. The warden warned me about him and how he killed allies. When I questioned him weeks later about his old life. He seemed to have logical reasons to kill those that he did. But he asked me not to discuss it with others.

His gifts were unusual for a forest kitsune. Some would think Pitch would belong to the race of void kitsune not mine. From his body comes a darkness that is blacker than night. In this darkness are beings of fear and terror. On Earth there is this tool called a plague mask and in Pitch's darkness they are there. Plague masks with teeth and open mouths, gobbling up all who oppose him. To top it all off he is a being called a tap, which is an entity of limitless magic reserve.

Another trait he carries from Earth is the story of a grim character with his name. They say in order to truly kill my general, his entire story must first be forgotten. The sad truth is Pitch doesn't know much about the grim character.

Shortly after coming into my service my daughter from my first litter fell in love with him. An incident occurred and she kind of forced him into an engagement. He was more afraid I'd ship him off. If he didn't agree to the marriage. My eldest son was against it, because he felt Pitch was a poor choice. But in the end Tiffany got her big strong attractive man toy.

Pitch in my opinion is one of my very strongest and I treasure his service.

Pitch Black


Narrated by himself

There is much speculation about blind swords. Some say we are more battle prone and would carry a victory more than someone who can see. Others would vote we are an abomination on society who get coin for alcohol. While living on the streets plaguing the people for handouts to survive. I am the best of both rumors. I am capable in battle when I drink and not because I'm inebriated.

The alcohol has a strange power me to be aware of my surroundings. If I am sober going into a fight I would be a liability. And if I have a dozen beers in me I would lead my army to victory at the front of the line.

I was introduced to Tanya one day in a cemetery. I was visiting my father's grave and she was hiding from her mother's people. She saw me and knew who I was without a second thought. If I had known at that time what I know now. I might have had hesitation. Tanya walked up to me and asked 2 questions. Did I take an oath of celibacy. I said no then she asked if I wanted to get hitched with her. No woman had ever proposed to me, so I said yes at the drop of a hat.

Lady April, was being pressured to marry her off and it was a relief for everyone when we got married. Now my wife is a handful, and it's very hard to keep up with her. Yet it was a better offer than being a sell sword for the rest of my life.


Narrated by April

I couldn't tell you that he is one of my direct subordinates, because he isn't my direct subject. I give him assignments and he always eliminates the target in his own way.

Nimble is by any definition is shy of about 3/4ths of the card deck. Nimble lost it at a very young age when he first started to be a fabricator. Everyone he knew and loved died in his delusion and by some miracle. The guy came to reality and learned to control his power. But yes he lost it, now he hunts targets in his fabricated realms.

A way to describe him in combat, is that noise of feet running behind you. Then you turn, but don't see a thing and hear a door close in the distance. You run into the room where you heard it close and you have died.

Nimble separate himself in 4 beings each with a different ability. Walls is stealth, Roof runs along the ceiling, Relief operates in reflective areas. Finally Nimble himself is fast and has great balance and evasion. Normally there are two ways he selects targets other than from me. Some idiot boasts enough that they are better than him in battle. The other way is someone pays him to torture a target while they watch. In his way of driving someone mad. Is to run around them like water torture until they go insane.

His normal realms to operate in are the castle, the graveyard, the mines and the house. All of the places giving him a serious advantage in battle.


Narrated by Tiffany

My eldest brother is a real force of nature. He is as strong as the Red Wood tree's are in size to other trees. His ambition is strong and he never disappoints in battle. The only thing that everyone would hope change is his wife.

Ivy is a commoner and has no social status of any kind. She crossed my brother in the woods one day. She was abandoned by her slave owner, and left to die. Trevor was captivated by her beauty and brought her home. Declaring they would marry in a few days, despite everyone telling him no. But he ended up marrying her regardless.

My brother has this strength of respect about him. As if everyone who sees him know to not mess with him. Even my husband is slightly afraid of him. And when Trevor decides to fight you, I hope you can hold your own in a sword battle.

Trevor's main ability is hypnosis, though he chooses his subjects to be gigantic in size. He rarely has subordinates who are normal sizes. He will enlist giants, wyrms, dragons and many other kinds of creatures to serve him.

His sword was forged by a Fire kitsune and it wasn't meant for him. Trevor killed it's wielder and claimed it. The sword is a mirror of the holders strength. If a new born infant wielded it would have the strength of a tooth pick. When my brother fights with it, the blade is the hammer of the gods.

He also has a mark on his forehead just like my eldest sister. Only his is the mark of the samurai. He where's the mark proudly, just because you are royalty doesn't mean you'll be marked with any crest.

Final detail is about the scar around his left eye. He picked a fight at a young age, with a much more skilled Lord and afterwards that was the result.


Narrated by herself

There has been some talk about the ways I do things. In my opinion I am efficient and precise with everything thing I do for Forest. I will occasionally bring a high profile character back to life for information. My mother and eldest brother instruct me not to do this for any reason. Even those I bring back think this method is barbaric and inappropriate. I think it is an effective method, and I don't plan to stop doing it.

My main power as you may of guessed is to bring others back to life, with a necromancy ability. I also have powers of slight perception as well as other minor little talents.

I will often go off to seek treasures. My mother always sends me with an escort but they are so slow. So I ditch them and continue out on my own by myself. Knowing mother will scald me about it, and ground me for a time.

I met my husband in a graveyard, he saved me from marrying a creep. He was more than willing to get hitched with me and we do the deed often. Everything a man would want or need I give to him. I just can't drink his alcohol, I don't know how he stomachs such strong stuff. One or two sips for me gets me drunk, and he says I'm less civil when I'm wasted.

My scythe is a real work of art. It was made from different yokai fangs. All melted together to create a weapon special for me. If I channel my power into it, all those nearby who have fallen in battle rise up and kill my enemies. It was a bit of a chore learning to master it. I kind of had a bunch of zombies trying to eat my brains when I first got it.

I am loyal to my mother and kin, I vow as the eldest daughter of my family. To press on to better myself and my people.

I have the mark of evil on my forehead yes. I have no interest in being one of those Zenko kitsune who dream of serving the gods. Now I don't just serve the beings of void either, I'm more intermediate, but I'm more Yako then Zenko.


Narrated by April

He is a very withdrawn guy, this son of mine. All he likes to do with time to himself is train and get stronger. He has many suitors and potential to do well, but all he will focus on is buffing his body. I believe he wants to surpass all kitsune in strength and endurance.

Tommy has the gift of enhancement in skill and power. He is sent on diplomacy missions as a bodyguard. A fare amount of these jobs go badly, which is when he gets his punches in. My son once guarded me in Mountain territory against a snow yokai force. I didn't need to lift a finger or summon my death companion. He killed them all and got me to the meeting with ease.

My boy won't say this but he feels his father's death was something that could have been avoided. If he had only been bigger and stronger it would have made a difference. Kine is the source of his inner rage, mine too as a matter of fact. But he will be drinking alone and thinking of his father. Wishing we had never separated, but he doesn't blame me thank the gods.

As to the level of strength, he could relocate a 100 year old red wood tree with one punch. That or relocate an enemy to the other side of the arena in mere moments.


Narrated by herself

My mother has babied me most of my childhood because I don't really qualify as a warrior. I am a good hunter with a impressive unique skill of telekinesis. But all I am good for is meetings with officials and hunting for restaurants. So I live the quiet life and know I'll be useful to my family one day.

I did get married to the hottest guy I had ever seen, and probably the most dangerous. His name is Pitch Black and believe me when I tell you he is gorgeous without his shirt on. He was assigned to protect me straight out of his confinement. One thing led to another and against my brothers wishes we tied the knot.

I have a few bows that I use in combat of hunting, my favorite one is my bow Lev. It has wind attributes that make the arrows hit harder and faster. A perfect weapon for me to telekinetically guide arrows to their mark. My least favorite bow has an attribute to poison my targets. Never really understood poison, it spoils the meat and causes pain.

I also enjoy smoking, I grow a plant in my private garden and occasionally smoke. Pitch doesn't really care for it and neither do my kin. In fact only a select few kitsune in my mother's town will smoke with me. Most believe it to be an act of defiance to the Forest, but I enjoy it and my friends do too.