Larva Bee Caretaker
My Heaven
-Busy Bee-
By Michael James
On a select number of planets there are honey farms. Who create many goods for the vast majority of the galaxies they are in. To produce enough honey to meet demands. Bees were genetically created to be as big as regular size cars. A lot of procedures and policies come with living in a hive. That is the size of vast hospital.
Part 1
In her bed...
Buzzz... zzzzz...
“Okay Derik I'm up, I'll feed you, just hold on” said Maybe. A bee girl made in the image of her goddess got out of bed. She walked into the kitchen and got a box down. On the box said pollen bites. She poured the food into a bowl. Then put it on the counter for pet bee Derik to eat. “I suppose I should get dressed, I need to get to work soon.”
Maybe walked to her closet and put on a dress soaked in honey. She went to the door and told Derik to be good. In the hive Maybe walked down the side of the street. Watching others ride bees in the center lanes. Also looking at young bees flying above.
“Maybe” shouted her boyfriend Din riding past. “You need a lift?” Maybe got on the back of his bee, side saddle style and off they went. “Given anymore thought to what you are going to do in half a year?” She was giving thought to actually working at the ranch with the young ones. “You know competition is fierce for those positions.”
“I know, but both Sera and my boss promised to put in a good word for me.” Where was she going to be after work? “I need to go to the baths. I smell awful.” He was silent for a couple minutes. Thinking about dozens of women in the baths. “What are you imagining?” Oh you know. “Yeah, I think I do know. Well this is my stop. I'll meet up with you at Mead Need after I bathe... Stop thinking of naked women!”
Maybe got off the ride and walked into the nursery. Her boss flew up to her in a huff. Maybe asked what was wrong? She needed her to train another pupil today. Sure...
In the nursery,
with the larva's...
“Hello little one whats your name?” Casi. “And how old are you Casi?” 7. “I hear you want to be a care giver for babies.” Her parents told her it was either this or move raw honey all day. “I totally get that. My father wanted me to work at his tavern or this... Well come on I'll show you the ropes.” Maybe walked Casi to a changing room telling to put on a dress. That was soaked in honey to allow the babies to warm up to her. A bit later they walked in a big open room.
“Wow I have never seen this area of the hive.” Maybe told Casi it was a privilege to be here. “Yes I understand.” Escorting her to a huge vat. Maybe told her to carefully pull a baby out of the honey. “Okay.” As she held him, Maybe showed her the proper way to cradle the larva. “Can you answer some questions?”
“Of course.” Why did they need to do this process. Other than for the young girls to have something to do? “It is not a waste of time. Our bees form bonds with us since they were born. In order to work with us on such a great level. We little girls comfort them.” Why did the nursery workers need to be between the age of 6 to 15? “Because young connect better with other young.” And why no boys? “Lets face the facts boys don't have the effect we do. Now watch the babies head.”
After a few hours in the nursery their shift was over and Casi had it down. Maybe was off to the baths and Casi asked to join her. Maybe had no problem with that.
In the locker room...
“Could I wear a towel?”
“Its fine, although you don't have anything us girls haven't seen already. Except I felt embarrassed too, my first few times here.” Casi got a look at Maybe in the bare. “Are you into girls?” No it was just she had a mature body for her age.
Part 3
At Mead Need...
“What's wrong? You usually are done with a full bottle by now.” Maybe asked her boyfriend Din if he would come with her. She had a major concern that needed to be addressed. “You're scaring me. The last time you talked to me like this. Someone was trying to sell you. What in fires name is wrong now?!”
“Excuse me...” Yeah? “We have a little one at the door with a bent wing. She told me to look for a woman named Maybe.” The waitress went on her way and Maybe rushed from the table. Din looked at her as she ran out to the entrance. He followed her of course. When they both came out Casi was crying and looked bad.
“Casi... what happened?” Her father kicked her out. “Why is your wing bent?” She got hit a few times. Din asked her where this creep was? “Sweetheart, I didn't leave a tip. I'm going to take this child to my home. Will you...” Sure, he'd take care of it.
At Maybe's apartment...
“I need you to let me see if you have other injuries.” Casi removed her top and had a bruise on her stomach. “Please tell me why he kicked you out.” He got mad that she was out so late. If she was going to be a big girl then she needed to live on her own. “I have some ointment for your injuries, wait here a second.”
When she came back, Casi had fallen asleep in the chair. The ointment was honey based, no surprise. It had medicinal herb powder in it that was amplified by the honey. Maybe put it down and carried Casi to her bed. A few hours passed and Maybe awoke hearing a knock. Sera was at the door with Din at her side.
“Maybe, who hurt her? Din said a girl braved the adult district to come find you. A place where she could easily have gotten much more hurt” Sera asked. Maybe told her friend her father was a drunk. Din looked at her asking where he lived?
“Look I don't want to complicate things for her at this moment.” Sera asked what she planned to do? “I'll look out for her for a while.” Casi walked into the room from behind.
“I can live with you” she asked with a happy tone? Maybe looked at her holding Derik in her arms. Yes she could live with her. Casi let go of Derik and he flew up to her shoulders. As she ran to Maybe and hugged her tight. Sera smiled and walked up to Casi, petting her head. Telling her to not go to the adult district alone again. “Sure.”
At Casi's old home,
a little while later...
“Hello” asked the mother hearing a knock. Her first thought when she saw Sera was her daughter got killed. “Milady, where is she?” Safe, her daughter was safe. “Have you come to arrest my husband?” If she wanted him thrown from the hive with his wings clipped. Sera was open to that being an option. The father came out of the bedroom overhearing their talk. He started in a angry rant, but when he saw Sera's face. He started singing a different tune.
“I have come to request a different guardian watch over your girl for a while.” Casi's mother sighed with relief. Her father shouted that was fine with him. One less mouth to feed. Though they needed coin. “Mr. we always can use people shoveling bee crud. In fact I'll sign you up for it. Expect to start working tomorrow...”
At Maybe's apartment...
“Oh Derik is adorable.”
“Until I get another bed, we'll be sharing mine. I hope you are okay with that.” Casi turned to Maybe, with Derik cuddling in her arms. It wouldn't bother her a bit, if they always shared a bed. Her sleeping area was on the floor until now. “That is very disturbing. Well lets get you dressed for tonight.”
“What is going happen tonight” Casi asked with worry? Did she forget already? They were going to join Sera, Din and others for riding. “REALLY!?”
“Yes, now lets see if my old gear will fit you. Otherwise we may have to borrow Sera's old gear.” Maybe went to a trunk in her room. Digging through other old clothes and she found her old gear. To put what they were about to do into context. It would be similar to stunt racing on very fast motorcycles in the air.
Part 2
In the actual bathing area...
Honey is universal in hives, it is used for everything. In this case, an almost water like blend in a warm temperature. Meant to carry its aromas and tonics.
“Do you want me to wash your wings?” Casi was looking at all the women in the room. It was overwhelming. “No ones staring at you, can I wash your wings?” Casi dropped her towel and faced the ledge. Maybe, washed her wings not to gentle or rough. After that Casi sank into the watered honey.
“You know what Maybe... I hope I can be you at your age. To add to your stats, do you have a man to call on you?” Yes, and she would get to where she was. Just give it some time. “I don't know, I don't think I'll be where you are, ever.”
“I will say it was a challenge moving out on my own at 13. But I see my family at times. I at least see my sister once a week.” What was she doing after the baths? “I need to pick up some things at the B-mart. When I drop them off I'm meeting my boyfriend at a bar.
“Can you take me to the B-mart. My parents don't really want me hanging around the hive by myself. Oh, and if you meet them. Please don't tell them you took me here. They are over protective at times.” Casi's secret was safe with her. “Thanks.”
“Maybe!” The two looked in Sera's direction. Sera looked at Casi assuming she was Maybe's sister. Casi terrified around a chief warrior. Especially Sera, they had a reputation of being scary. “I swear you have the cutest sisters.” Casi covered herself with her hands. “Relax I didn't mean it like that. Maybe, us girls are going to ride tonight, you want to bring the little one?”
“YES” screamed Casi!
“Easy there little one, as long as you are with your sister its fine.” Maybe told Sera they would be there. The girls talked for a while and got cleaned up. Once clean, they parted ways and headed for the shop center.
In the shop district...
“Casi, stay close to me okay. With all the riders and people it will be easy to get separated.” She asked Maybe if they could hold hands. “Sure, do you know how to fly well?” Not really. “Okay hold onto me.” Maybe picked her up and flew up a few combs to the middle levels. When they got to the multi store B-mart. Maybe set her down.
“Casi what was it you wanted here?” Honifiz and some fruit candy. Honifiz was like soda made with carbonation and liquid honey. The other thing wanted was fruit, pickled in honey vats and figs. A human child would enjoy such treats. “Don't spend everything you got today at work. Your parents might need some of it.” Casi nodded, she got a big bottle of Honifiz and some peach candy.
As Maybe looked for pet food, a guy walked up to her. He was a bad one who was dealing bee venom drugs. Casi was scared when Maybe put her behind her back.
“Hey there, you look like you've never used sap.” Maybe walked up to him, put her arm around him in a flirty way. Followed by grabbing his stinger and almost pulled it out. “Hey, I'm all for kinky, girl, but I'm not a fan of this.”
“We are in a legit store and I have a little one. Do you not know shame” she said slowly pulling it further. Casi was amazed at her nerve. The guy was scared she might kill him. “News flash, Chief Sera is a good friend of mine. So crawl back into whatever comb you came from. Don't let me see you here again!” As he went away he limped from the pain of his stinger. Even with bee people, if it detaches completely you die. “Come on Casi lets get out of here.”
In a poverty neighborhood...
“I see you live in a coin challenged place too.” Casi went into her home and her mother ran up to her worried sick. Then she saw Maybe wondering who she was. “Forgive the intrusion, I saw her home. We ran late at the nursery and I needed to pick up some stuff. I thought I would walk her home.”
“Hey! Where is the coin for your days work” shouted the father. He had an empty bottle of hard mead in his hand. Not to mention that he was drunk. Casi handed the sack of coin to her mother. “No... I told you give me coin.” Maybe asked the mother if Casi was safe here? “Whose this... hey pretty thing, we don't do charity. Geh out.”
“Miss thank you for walking her home. It was nice of you.”
Part 4
In Maybe's apartment...
“Are you done changing?” Casi came out of the bathroom in a skin tight uniform. Fasten to it were harnesses, cables and locks. “I guess its a little small for you?” Casi said it was fine, although it didn't leave a lot to the imagination. Also it was real tight in the chest area. Maybe was partially insulted, but chose to let it go.
At the military district...
“We have special permission to be here” said Maybe. The guard said she knew Maybe, but not the little one. Besides wasn't she to young to do this? “If she was they wouldn't have made a uniform in her size.” Alright they could go, but the military wasn't responsible for injury. “We understand, besides we will be sharing a bee.”
Casi was starting to get wing shivers feet when she saw the soldiers in the sky, riding on their mounts. Din was waiting with Sera, holding 3 bees for them. Casi walked close to the edge of the hive. It was the first time she had seen this sight.
“Come on little sister. I was just as nervous the first time too. Lets make a memory now.” With that they got on the back of a bee. Hooked everything where it needed to be. “Ready?”
Just like a roller coaster at the beginning fall. The bee dropped going 70 miles an hour down the cliff face. To which the hive was built on. As it neared the bottom, Maybe pulled up on the harness. Now flying over a lake, close enough the bees legs could touch the water. Maybe pulled up a little more.
“Ready...” Yes! They flipped upside down, and Casi let one hand go in order to put her hand in the water. Now the lake was becoming a river. “Hold on tight!” Like a motorcycle going along a swerving road. They went up the river now going at least 90 MPH. Sera had just caught up with them. Signaling for a friendly race.
“We aren't going to let her win are we?!” Maybe shouted no and massaged the bottom of the bees wings. Which it was trained to go faster upon touch. Now at 120 MPH as fast as the bee could go. They went into the tree line, racing to the next lake.
Sera wanted Casi to have a good time so she threw the race barely. When they got to the lake Din flew above them upside down. Maybe put her hand up and grabbed Din's and they started to do a clockwise spin. Facing the bees forward the entire time.
Real early in the morning,
back at her apartment...
“I'm going to put out the light now” said Maybe.
“This was the best night of my entire life” Casi said and then passed out.