My Heaven

-Scarred Not Scared-

By Michael James

Part 1

She belongs to me

On a planet,

in a Roc slave market...

“Master, I don't mean to complain. But why do we come to the slave market when we are on this planet?” Shore asked Brig if it made him uncomfortable? “Well yes and no. I just feel out of place here.” Shore started to respond, when a slave owner shouted he'd give him 20 coffins for Brig. Shore looked at Brig, then asked is that all he was worth? How much was he thinking?

“I cant put a price on my lead general.” Brig stretched his hand at the guy. “No no Brig” he looked at his boss, then lowered his hand. “I think I understand your reluctance. I come here whenever I can because I look for soldiers, medics, anyone really.” Brig couldn't argue with him, people who are bad off. Would do anything for freedom. It was then Brig looked at Shore, with something that caught his eye.

They walked to a stall with a blanket and 1 slave. A girl who was really young. She was covered in scars and fresh gashes and her clothing wasn't covering the right areas. She was just sitting on the blanket with a collar on her neck.

“Excuse me” Shore said walking up to the owner. “How much?” He looked at Shore and was fearful. Telling him this was his last slave to sell. He didn't want to be held accountable if she couldn't do work right. What did he think was fair? “I have these.” He put a pouch of solid gold rings on the ground. He agreed to the price. “Brig, give me your shirt.” Shore wrapped her up in the shirt and carried her to his ship.

In his bedroom...

“What is your name?” She just stood still and didn't answer. “I'm going to have some women come in here and clean you up. They mean you no harm. Once your clean and bandaged up. I want you to eat and get some sleep.” She didn't make a sound or move an inch. He left her standing still as a stone, as Nadi and Jaylen walked in.

When they had got her all nice and clean. Jaylen asked her what her name was? Trash. Did she need to throw something away? No, her name was Trash.

Nadi shook her head saying “I remember being in slave markets with Shore. I don't think I have ever come across a girl this far gone. Little one, I know this will be hard to understand. You are safe here, so just try to relax.” She was looking strait at the wall this whole time, never moving her head. “Okay, there is a nice warm bed over there. When you start to feel tired, go and sleep.”

Both women stood up and left her in the bedroom. She stood still for a few minutes and then looked at the bed. A bit later Jaylen came back to check on her. She was snuggled up in the bed dead asleep. Jaylen put a bowl of fruit on the night stand then left.

2 hours later,

at Shore's ships entry...

“Yeah, I want to talk to the guy who has my slave!” Cotton was standing guard and smiled when this guy said that. “What are you grinning at puppy dog?”

“Nothing, I just don't get a lot of idiots here looking for trouble.” He was well aware who his master was. But Shore bought stolen property and he wanted it back. “One sec.” Cotton grabbed his necklace telling Shore someone was here to claim the girl. Shore walked out of a building a couple minutes later.

“I want my slave back, sir.”

“What is her name?” What? “The girls name, she never said it, well actually she hasn't said anything.” Her name was trash, now he needed him to turn her back over. “I'm not going to do that.” He drew a knife made from mortal steel. “That's it, your ace in the whole?”

“I'll kill you goat man if you don't give her back.” Shore grabbed his hand and crushed his wrist bone. The knife fell to the ground. He tried to transform in to a giant roc bird.

“Don't even try it!” Shore told him crushing his skull the same way. The slave standing beside him just froze in terror. “I can take you with us if you want to come.” He nodded his head and came aboard.

Part 2

Before my king

Outside Shore's room...

“Jaylen, how is she?” She was fast asleep all cuddled up in his bed. “I need to get my notes. Do you think I will wake her?” If he fired a cannon in the room she wouldn't wake up. Now she had a request. “Yes?” Would it be out of the question to put a death order on those who hurt her? “If you want to go hunt some creeps down, go ahead.” Jaylen smiled and left the ship with her friends. Following the scent of abusive men.

Shore walked in the room, the girl was dead asleep and looked very comfortable. He walked up to her and patted her head. She called him papa in her sleep.

“Yes, your papa will look out for you now.”

In the depths,

of the market...

“Look you psychopathic wolves. This is a slave market, we don't kiss boo boos when they get hurt. We hurt them when they don't obey!” Jaylen was in a brothel, Trash was in for a time. The owner made the mistake thinking he was immune from her. She pointed her gun at him and he yelled. “I was in my rights, you have no authority here. She fired the gun, and the bullet turned into a thin wire net.

“She had blood coming out her anus.” The net shrank in flame very quickly and ripped him into pieces. His bouncers were restrained by her soldiers. She elected one of them the new owner. “I trust you know what happens to men like your former boss.”

In Shore's room...

“NO... PLEASE DON'T... NO!” Shore was watching over her reading his notes. She spontaneously woke up screaming from a nightmare. Nadi ran in the room. She had soiled the bed with sweat and urine. She ran to the girl, and she grabbed Shore. Shaking with huge tremors while she cried. Her soaked shorts got all over him, but he didn't care.

“Nordica, its okay. No one is going to hurt you.” Nadi offered to bathe her and wash her clothes and bedding. “Give the girl a few minutes Nadi.” She shook so violently holding on to him. “Its okay... its okay.” An hour later she calmed down enough to get washed up. While in the baths, she asked Nadi if her new name was Nordica.

“Yes, I think it suits you well...”

2 weeks later,

in front of king Cyclone...

“Tell me general Shore, who is this girl, by your side?” He said she was his daughter Nordica. Cyclone stood up off his throne. Everyone took the knee, even her. He walked up to her and told her to rise. Nordica wasn't scared, she stood there in her dress like a robot. “I sense pain in this one, but I am glad Shie has another sister from your line. I will have an apartment for her while you go to war. She will be treated as nobility.” Shore told his grace he was vastly generous.

“What war will I win for you?”

“Some no name plant devil thinks he can claim my territory. While I am fighting a real enemy. I want his army decimated, and I want him to carry a scar from this defeat. Settle this matter in days, not weeks. Otherwise, other idiots might follow his example.”

“It will be done.” He told Shore that he would leave immediately. “Yes your grace.” He was given leave to stand and go. As he walked away from Nordica she grabbed him and spoke, to not leave her! “Nordica, where I am going is not safe.”

“No! Don't leave me!”

“The girl has made her decision Shore. Take her with you.” Shore told his king so be it. He walked out of the court room with her by his side. When they reached the planet in question she was instructed to stay where she was told. Brig was already with him so it was his duty to lead the war. Nadi and Jaylen were also there. Nadi was charged with Nordica's safety. No one in the army dared touch the young girl.

In another city,

on the same planet...

“My lord I have news about who has been sent to deal with you.” He laughed at the challenge being put before him. Who was this imbecile? “It's general Shore my lord...”


Part 3

A dark prayer

At the campsite...

“You stay in this tent, do you here me?” Nordica nodded yes. He left her with a children's book and a bed. He heard from his men that a messenger had arrived.

At the prisoner tent, Shore walked in. The messenger was not treated kindly. He came to ask them to leave. As of now, he had a rock in one of his eye sockets.

“Where is he?” The messenger cried that he was just a middle man. “Where is... Creg!?” He was on the other side of the planet. Please could he find it in his heart to show mercy? Shore told him yes, he would show mercy and broke his neck.

“Your orders my lord?” He told Brig to flush what enemy there was to his camp. “Yes my lord.” Shore looked to a small female Roc named Illusion. He had a special job for her...

Hours later,

in her privet tent...

“Hello little robin” said Mistress appearing before her. Nordica swore her soul in exchange to make her useful to her master. “Let me see if I understand you, robin. You are already my servant, since you serve Cyclone's general. Now you wish to set terms for it?” Nordica stood off her knee saying she wasn't laying down conditions. She was wanting to be of further assistance with a little help! “Little robin, I am astounded by your nerve. Do you not fear me?

“I have lost almost all senses of fear, Mistress. When a slave owner does unthinkable things to you. You would learn not to be scared, just scarred.” Mistress put her hand on the girls forehead and gave her gifts. Only asking what was the most horrendous thing ever done? “My master stripped me in front of wicked men. Then put me in a trunk full of scorpions. As I cried trying to get out. I heard laughter outside the trunk while they drank ale. After I was let out, the men had different fun.”

“I will see to it these men suffer a worse fate. After all, you are my subject and I need to look out for you.” Mistress Evaporated into flame. Nadi walked in the tent asking how Mistress was?

“You heard?”

“Nordica, the whole planet knows she was here.” Where was lord Shore? “I'm sure he is on his way back here right...” Shore spoke to Nadi telepathically...

“What the hell just happened!?” Nadi told him Mistress appeared before Nordica. “Why?” Because Nordica requested it. “You were supposed to be watching her. This little one has seen enough pain!” Nadi was afraid to answer him now. Her thoughts were he might put her to work in a mine. He could hear her thoughts. He assured her that she wasn't going to, but as of now she was a prisoner and needed to turn herself in. She dropped her weapons on the ground and went to a cage.

After Shore got back...

“Little one, why are you crying in here?” She just wanted to be of use to him. She didn't want her friend to be hurt because she did a bad thing. “Brig, let Nadi out of her cage and give her weapons back.” Brig bowed and went to do this.

Off on the planets,

other side...

“My lord, he has returned” Creg's eelkshie announced. He walked outside the capital building. His messenger was standing there holding Shore's head.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“Lord Brig sends his dead generals head with an order.” Creg asked if Brig killed his master. “Yes my lord.” What did they say to each other right before he left for Shore's camp? “I'm sorry?” Surely he remembered their conversation. Remind him of this fact, so he knew he was who he was. “My lord, I haven't seen you face to face in years. Your eelkshie gave me your orders as your middle man?”

“Bring me Shore's head servant. For this news I shall reward you royally!” He walked up to Creg and handed him the head. Asking what of Brig's request? “I don't care what that stupid turkey wants. Cyclone will deal with him.”

Next thing he knew, he had been run through by his messenger. Or actually Illusion had done the deed. She turned to his armies. Telling them to lay on their stomachs. As she unclouded herself, an army of roc's appeared in the sky.

They made the mistake of thinking it was a fake presence. The army in the sky destroyed all of Creg's army before the forth day was over.

Part 4

Birds of blades

On Nordica's,

home planet...

“Ah welcome, I have many fine slave milady. What are you in the market for?” Mistress wanted to know about the scorpion box torture. “Well well, I didn't know it was that famous. I have many children that could amuse you in one.”

“That wont be necessary. I have someone in mind already.” She looked right at him and warped him into a coffin 6 feet under. That was full of scorpions. It even had a pipe going to the surface so he could still breathe. Mistress evaporated into flame. Leaving the slaves still chained up. One of them was near the keys though.

On Cyclone's home world...

A bolder was hurled through the air right at Nordica. She sent blade birds at it and sliced it into pieces. Now prisoners were coming at her and they were killed in seconds. Finally, Coast got in the ring with her. He could teleport faster than she could send her birds at him. The match ended with her spear to his neck. And a very deep cut on his spear arm. Deep enough that he dropped it before his could kill her.

“Stand down Coast” ordered king Cyclone. His injury healed just like an eelkshie's wound would. But it hurt a great deal worse than a regular injury. Shie was on a smaller throne next to her father. She was eager to be with her new sister.

“Father may we go to the spa now?” He nodded yes to Shie and she escorted Nordica to get her back massaged. Shore was dissatisfied and asked to be excused.

On top of a lighthouse deck,

listening to the stormy weather...

“You are displeased with me?” Mistress asked from a ball of fire that appeared in front of him. Shore was terrified, but he knew not to lie as well. “Tell me, did I mess up?”

“In all honesty, I was hoping to raise a daughter between wars. Not during them. Its true she is a perfect soldier. I just thought, she had seen enough pain.” And what did Breaker tell him about her future? “She shall save my life decades from now. If not for her, I would surely die.” Mistress herself appeared before him.

While she hovered in the air she asked. “Would you give your life to correct my mistake?” No he would not, because she never made mistakes. She was a deity after all. “Good answer...”