
Cyclone’s Daughter

Narrated by Nail, her mother

The day I gave birth to her there was a rain storm like no other. I remember the crackle of of the thunder and the rain coming down. I knew that my first born would be a girl of great power, strength and fury. When she came out with Gale as my assistant in delivering. He put her in a blanket and handed her to me. When I saw her face for the first time. The storm quieted in moments.

My girl is a number of things a sigil and king magic user. The weather around her is controlled by her emotions, but one thing she is more than an any other is a leader. Mistress would never allow my husband to stay dead. He commands way to much respect among the goats of the dark side of the moon. But if something did happen to him. Her uncles would follow her without question or claim to Cyclone's throne.

Her personality is usually calm and collected. Just like a good leader should have. She is very powerful but rarely in battle. She does have a habit of bedding random men though.

In her spare time she will spend with her sisters and children. Yes she will be with her father and I. She loves to teach and it's hard to teach your parents, versus those younger than you. 

The only other thing to mention is that her uncle Irish listens to her orders and he doesn't listen to anyone...

Daughters of the 5 kings

Shie, Sylvain’s Daughter

Cyclone’s Granddaughter

Narrated by Sylvain

As the first born daughter to King Cyclone, who is Shie's grandfather. I have the responsibility to have the strongest offspring. I have had a child with all 4 generals of my father's army. As well as children of other strong men who served us well in battle. And Shie is general Shore's little girl.

Shie inherited her father's wit and intelligence, she even claimed it more than was healthy. My girl can be quite the smart ass, and she really anger's those she challenges. No one dares to raise a finger to her, because she has so many that would seek vengeance. But she has a bright future as a brilliant strategist. Shore teaches her every chance he gets, it just gets awkward when I'm around when he is.

Shie has the ability to put others to sleep. They can't be physically hurt while they dream, but with her intelligence. She can create nightmares so vivid that there psychological damage. Her dream that made her famous was on her second cousin. Who in her own way deserved what she got. The dream was spending years as a slave in a harshly abusive brothel. After she woke up she gave Shie back her hair pin.

When she experienced her first couple months in the ganta. Shore commented he wished she would stay young forever. After that, our daughter decided to always appear as a child because of that comment. But of course not when she is being romantic with men.

Her dagger on her thigh is mostly ceremonial, it has the ability to deflect most magic thrown her way. Shore had it made for her after the day she went missing. I was livid when I found her in a barn with a boy. With nothing on them but a blanket, Shore tried to hear her out. But the boy was executed, because he was just looking for quick sex.

All in all, Shie is the most intelligent of my children.


Cyclone’s Daughter

Narrated by Nail, her mother

I don't wish to speak ill of my child, that said Safari is a rebellious little girl. She is not the youngest or the oldest and prefers to spend her time making trouble for her parents. Safari will find the most obnoxious men and bed them. She is attracted to trouble and her father and I wish she would be more proper.

They call her Crimson Air because her power is make explosions of wind greater than that fire can make. An example of her ability is her enemy facing her head on with no protection. Safari will giggle and her enemy will go boom, all over everything.

To make a greater credit to her combat abilities are her summoned beast the wolf goats. Entities that have body of white shaggy goats. But have the teeth, intelligence, muscle and stamina of wolves. If you saw a flock of these creatures coming towards you in an open field. It is already to late and you should pray to whatever master you serve.

My girl is far older than how she prefers to look. She has always liked to make herself look young. Her desired age of appearance is a 16 year old girl. Again attracting the wrong kind of men, still she does chore herself to make sure she looks glamours.

Her uncle's don't care for her but she is very good to her youngest cousins and sisters.


Irish’s Daughter

Narrated by herself

I like to think of myself as a scholar as well as a bad ass killing machine. My hobbies usually involve meeting new races, drinking coffee and ripping opponents apart in fighting rings. On that note I just love to go to underworld fights and just tearing cruel men apart. My kin say that I have anger issues when it comes to men who are pigs.

My unusual power is making copies of my own hands and I control them telepathically. With almost no limit to how many I can make. I haven't ever needed more than 56 though. My hands move at super fast speed. Fast enough that I can catch bullets shot at close range.

There are 4 exceeds in my family. Myself included in those 4. You have myself, my uncle, a cousin and a grand nephew. I am categorized as the second strongest. No one is more powerful than lord uncle Cyclone.

My bond with my father is strong, though I'm not his most or least favorite. But we can really relate when it comes to talking about battle. Father Irish is a great warrior and for the most part he was really good to my mother.

My eelkshie are few, I generally go solo most of the time like my father. Worrying about others in combat is a liability. But I do love to hook up with gorgeous men whenever possible.


Irish’s Granddaughter

Narrated by herself

When my subjects address me, I prefer to go by mother. At least the ones who I have raised from babies, the towns people call me milady. But I like the sound of mother because I feel I am a mother to all my people.

I am what you would call a dragoon, a being that turns into a unique dragon. My secondary title is the Acid Dragon. I'm able spew out a beam of acid fire from my mouth. On top of that, I can create clouds of acid vapor from my wings. In an hour I could level a large city if I wanted to. My power as a goat devil is to turn wind into acid mist. One other cool thing is, my blood and saliva is also acid like.

My weapon of choice is a spear made from crystallized acid. It will melt through almost any alloy. Which was why I was trained in phase play combat.,

But enough about that. My favorite of favorite hobbies is nursing young. I always have non acid milk in my breasts so I will sit with orphan babies. Giving them meals and snacks. Because of this I have a grand reputation of loyalty from everyone. And those babies that I raise who have battle skills become eelkshie.

I am just as much a fairy princess as my grandfather Irish is. Yes I care for children, but I am not some push over door mat either. Those who cross me and really pis... me off will lose a piece of their body. All I have to do is grab and summon acid to come out of me. Then the body part will dissolve never to grow again. Even if there is regeneration abilities, the part will not return.

I am a blonde goat devil, which is very rare. I get suitors all the time who want to court me and have children. Alas I must turn them down each time. It's not that I don't want to settle down, I was just told by my grand uncle. My one child will be his successor, should anyone be lucky enough to kill him.