My Heaven
-The Pact with the Thunder Beast-
By Michael James
Part 1
In a technological town...
“Come on, who thinks they can beat me” shouted Jault? A big kid who must have been half her age older stepped into the opening. “Throw a coin into the pot.” He put a silver into the can.
The competition they were doing wasn't physically fighting. This was a game of chicken. The rules were first one to move their feet lost. Above them were lightning clouds. That sent strikes at will down to them. Also if you hit the other kid you lose. Jault had a whole bucket of silver coins. She threw down a bolt right between his legs. He fell on his back and started to cry. All the kids circling around them laughed at him.
“All of you shut up. No one laughed at you after you got scared!” She lent him her hand to get back up. This game they were playing was outlawed and the authorities soon found them. Jault grabbed her coin and took off. A day later at her mansions gate. The same boy showed up and asked her to hang with him today.
“I don't expect you to...” Radcliff right? “Pardon? She wanted to know if he was Radcliff? “Yes I am.” Jault looked him over, she heard he was one of her suitors. Besides the gap in age she was attracted to him. That being said she was being punished and couldn't leave her land. “I see.” But he was welcome to come in. “I'd like that.” At the rate a human goes to a Kitsune, she was 10 and he was 15. But in truth she was 30 and he was 45. A kitsune ages 3 times slower.
She took him into the garden and showed him how to care for medicinal herbs. He listened to her with interest. Truly she was waiting for him to make a move. Just like her other men.
“I just had a new kimono made for me. It's in my room would you like to see it?” His face went red. “Easy there, I'm not going to put it on in front of you.” He told her that wasn't why he was embarrassed. To enter her room would be rather forward. “You're cute, you know that.” Jault's mother called out to them. Saying lunch would be served soon. They ate at the table and he worked up the courage to enter her room. Jault had a great deal of expensive art on her walls. When Radcliff left the mansion. Jault's mother asked what she thought.
“Well mother, he seems to be nice and he is from a good family.” But? “I want more from a man than being polite. Nice mannered men are way to boring. He had chances to make a move, or be indecent.” Her mother rolled her eyes.
The next day,
in the slums...
“Where is it, huh where is the mirror we told you to steal for us.” The little girl told the boys she got caught. “Lets shave her head.” NO! SHE WOULD GET THE MIRROR, SHE PROMISED! “Yeah, I know you'll get the mirror, hold her down.”
“Hey!” The 8 boys looked down the alley. Jault was standing there with a curved short sword. Like scared baby spiders they fled the alley. The girl was scared of her too. What happened next caught everyone off guard. A huge bolt of lightning hit Jault dead on.
In a realm,
of storm clouds...
“I've been watching you for some time. My name is Raijin, I am the god of lightning. You don't appear to be afraid of me little one. I commend you for your bravery, except I'm not surprised.” Jault took a knee and asked how she could be of service. “You misunderstand, it is I, who wish to be of service to you. I have a gift for you.” Jault looked up and saw a great thunder beast appear. “This is Raiju, he is my faithful friend and is now yours to command.”
“I am honored your lordship. Could I ask why I have been granted such an honor?” He had watched her with interest for a couple years and liked what he saw. This was his reason.
Part 2
30 years later
Outside July's kingdom...
“Captain! We have the last of the traitors.” Jault walked out of her tent, and over to the prison cage. In the cage were 5 men who led a small army against July of Thunder.
“Do you all know what fate awaits you?” The toughest one shouted the king was unfair to his people. He took their food, coin and sons all in the name of war! “Where is the kings niece?” The men were all silent. “You talk about being fair, yet you condemn an innocent girl. Just to have a bargaining chip?” The Snake Brass mountains where this started. She was in a cage at the highest cavern.
In the location given,
a couple days later...
“I'm cold, and I hurt. Can I please have some food?” The men told her to shut up. She had her bread for the day. “Please can I have more?” If she didn't want to play the game again, she should shut her mouth! Her stomach started to make noises.
“Oh hell... July's captain is here!” The guys ran out of the cave and saw the giant thunder beast. She was climbing the side of the of the mountain like a spider. “FLEE!” Jault made quick work of them all. As she took her normal form. Jault entered the cavern and saw her. Like a mother, Jault took her in her arms and cradled her, while walking to her men. After a few days went by before Jault addressed the king in person.
“Ah captain, yes. I will be requiring services tonight. Make yourself presentable for me wont you.” She started to tell him that his niece was alive. “I do not care about that. Have those who oppose me been taken care of?” Yes, the insurrection was stopped. He had lost a lot of soldiers... “That is enough, you may go, I'll see you tonight.”
That night,
in his bed chamber...
“How good of you to make yourself all pretty. Now lets chain you up.” She put a cloth between her teeth. Then she allowed her hands to be chained above her head... After a couple hours Jault left the kings room. Her back was bloody and she had been violated.
When she got to the barracks...
“Hi fellas, would one of you catch me?” Thankfully one of them did catch her as passed out. She awoke with her whip wounds treated and she was in her bed.
“Captain, how long are you going to keep doing this?” She told him to be careful. Such words could be considered treason. “You have more scars on your back than bare flesh.”
“It's not so bad. I've been stabbed by spears and swords. I have had ribs cracked. What his majesty does to me is no big deal.” As they talked the kings niece ran into the barracks. She was looking for Jault and was being pursued by soldiers. Jault got between the girl and the soldiers path. “Why are you chasing a little girl?”
“Lady Sakuya has been convicted of treason. She is to be put in the cells where she will await a beheading.” Who had convicted her? “The king himself says her refusal to marry is treason.” Sakuya begged Jault to protect her. She allowed the girl to be taken in the name of the king. She went to the king the next day. Her request to reconsider the girls fate, was not met with kindness.
“Seize her.” 4 soldiers grabbed and forced her to the floor. “Do I not reward your excellent service with nights of wonderful passion. Yet you come against me like this. Not even a day after my generosity. Tisk tisk, I'm afraid I must make you into a slave now. Put her in the same cell as my niece. Maybe she will learn to keep her mouth shut.”
“I have served you loyally all this time and this is my reward?” July's eyes widened with disgust. He ordered them both to be thrown into the water until death.
Down a large pit,
and into an aquifer...
“I'm scared” Sakuya cried.
“My lord Raijin, I pray to you please get us out of this pit.” From the surface into the deep part of the water were metal cords. Very soon the 2 women were electrocuted with currents going down the cables. Jault could handle this for a while. Sakuya wasn't going to last 5 minutes. “Lord Raijin please!”
“You have called upon me. I will answer your prayer” he said in her mind.
Part 3
Escaping a terror
At the top of the pit...
“What's that light?” The other guys didn't know, but it seemed to be rising. “The water should have prevented her from turning into a beast!” The others turned and ran to the door and locked some of their own inside. Sakuya rose out of the pit emitting celestial lightning from her body. When she touched down on the ground. She kicked the rope ladder into the hole. 6 guys were fried.
Jault got up the ladder as fast as she could. Sakuya was waiting for her, or actually Raijin was waiting for her. Soldiers kept coming in and Sakuya made quick work of them.
“My friend, I must tell you that you putting yourself through his torture. Every time you return victorious, you expect to bite that rag.” She told him her duties were not for the king, they were for the people. “Yes, well, I think you should know the city is rebelling. King July just issued an order all girls over the age of 44. Were to report to the castle. So the kings army could make more soldiers... Now what will you do?”
“I'm going to find July and end this.” Good answer!
Down in the castle cellar...
“This way your majesty.” July had 50 soldiers escorting him to the escape tunnel. Towns people had broke down the gate and were flooding into the halls. As they neared the door, raging footsteps were above them. “You 2 go down the passage and make sure its safe” ordered a commander.
“No, I'm sure its safe. All 50 of you are to guard the door. Fight to the last man and give me time to escape.” A couple of them looked at each other asking if he was serious? “Kill the doubters.” The tunnel went under a body of water out into a cavern a mile away. As ordered they locked the door and hid the key. Preparing to fight to the last.
In the tunnel...
“I swear all this muddy water! Would it have killed them to lay down stepping stones.” Then July saw someone at the end of the tunnel holding a light. “Who goes there?”
“Is that you uncle” Sakuya shouted back? July stopped scared to death. “I guess that's a yes?” An electric current went to him through the muddy water and the ceiling started to give way.
One might ask if their primary gift is lightning why would it hurt. The answer is that water cancels out immunity by choice. Otherwise they would fry themselves while drinking a beverage. Any new electricity would hurt them like a normal human.
Another question is why would he willingly go under a river to get to safety. Because it would be hard to get ahead of him. Unless, you already went through the tunnel, just like his niece.
Jault got Sakuya to safety in all the chaos. The governor who led the riot assumed command. But he was not a prime choice for a leader. This made up 1/3 of the population. Sakuya became the leader of second third. To make things worse. A month after the incident. Word got around that July was alive and had control over the majority of his army. And quickly assumed command of his nation, again.
The night after the revolt...
“Excuse me Jault.” She asked her commander if something was wrong? “Could I sleep in your bed tonight? I don't feel safe unless I'm with you.” For the next few years Sakuya slept beside Jault and valued her like a mother or big sister.
My Heaven
-The Talisman of Legend-
By Michael James
Part 1
It's not good enough
The rebellion,
in Thunder territory...
“Hey, you want to spar?” The warrior turned and looked Sakuya in the eye. He would have to decline for now. “What if I made it worth your while?” His friend whom she had sparred with last week, was still was in a coma. “Please.” A new guy who was a big brute walked up to her. He had to almost be her size 3 fold.
“How exactly would you have made it worth his while?” She looked at him saying, a night in bed was the prize. “Oh, well I was hoping for some coin. I hear your the Thunder gods girl. I wouldn't want to get that guy on my back.” Sakuya handed him 27 gold, all the coin she had. “I don't want to rob you either. How about this, if I hold my own I get a higher position.” The other guy told him, she would beat him to a pulp. “We'll see.” Sakuya promised a captain position if he held his own.
A crowd circled them as they entered the ring. He pulled out a giant drum. Storm clouds filled the sky and it started to rain. Sakuya asked his name?
“Minato is my name milady.” She shouted to make the first move! He slammed his hand against his drum 3 times and 3 bolts hit the ground. Followed by turning into hovering yokai masks. Sakuya was more than impressed. She took 9 talismans, spun around in a circle releasing them one at a time. “Shall we?”
Minato beat his drum commanding the masks with percussion. They buzzed around her creating a barrier that even the rain couldn't get through. She pressed her talismans against the inside wall. With a release of power she cracked the barrier, but that was it.
This was not a defeat she could except, and so soon into the match. Her eyes started radiating lightning and she screamed a bloody roar. He smacked his drum harder 12 more times to summon 12 more masks. She went into a depth of power her men never saw before. But before she could strike. He used sleep magic and she dozed off. He was automatically a hero among the rebels. No one had ever beaten her before.
Sakuya woke up in her bed. Jault was sitting next to her bed reading a book. She sat up with a jerk wanting to know who the heck that guy was? Jault told her to be quiet. The army was sleeping. She had her own chamber but it was right next to the barracks.
“Minato, is a man who was betrayed by your uncle July. He trained for years to be a great officer, but July liked his daughter more than him.” What happened? “Don't know that part, but he said you promised him a captain's position?” She did. “I think we should honor that.” Agreed, now where was he? “Asleep.”
The next morning...
“I honor you with the rank of Major. You deserve more than just the Captain rank, maybe one day a General rank. Minato, I would like to spar with you again soon.” On his knee, he vowed to fight for her until the end. “Now then, as a Major you are obligated to customs. In other words, please do something about your scent.”
Days later,
after a battle...
“Minato sir, come drink with us.” He apologized, but needed to see to their dead. “Sure sir.” As he helped bury the dead. He saw Sakuya standing on a hill just looking out on the horizon. He walked up to her asking what was wrong?
“We lost 62 today. We could have made this a clean victory if I had been stronger.” There was 300 vs 500, but July's men were worn down and sloppy. “Jault outdid me again. I want her strength and drive. The sad part is its not good enough.” He might be able to help. “Tell me.” It would wear her out, but she could prepare for battles.
In her room that night...
“These are my different talismans. I don't know any others to write.” He was a little unnerved being alone with her in her room. “Oh stop worrying. Now tell me, how can I make these stronger?” He told her to make 10 of each, and next, this should be done outside.
Part 2
Out in the valley,
that night...
“Focus your mind and allow the talismans to hover.” Sakuya had them all in front of her in the air. She focused and they started to glow. The talisman was a simple bolt of lightning. She asked what to do next? “Think of them being stronger.” She said she does that each time. “Please follow my instructions.” Okay she would. “Close your eyes and will, the talismans together.” Sakuya started to feel her tail hair getting buzzed. She opened her eyes and saw a new talisman. Merged into being by the original 10. This wasn't the only surprise.
“Hello my disciple” said Raijin from behind her. Sakuya turned and saw Minato on his knee looking at the lightning god. “Disciple Minato, I would like some privacy.” With his head down he stood up and left for the caves. “You are blossoming into a beautiful young woman.” Sakuya felt shame and realized she wasn't on her knee. “Relax, I think of you as unique as far as necessary respect owed. Perhaps one day we may be romantically involved.” Sakuya went redder than a tomato. “Do see me as a lover? I mean if you are not interested...”
“I'm yours.” Raijin smiled asking was she now? “I would be happy to be your concubine, if that's what you wanted.” Raijin shrunk his body to her size and took her hip. Then he felt hesitation on her breath. As he backed away. She grabbed each ear and kissed him. When this occurred, a tremor rocked the land for miles.
“It's been a long time since I kissed like that.” She asked if he wanted to go further. “Further?” Would he like to make love? “I think that day will come, but you have a life to live. Be with other men, and enjoy being young. When I call on you, it will be after that. Now, enough talk of romance, there is a village 1 week travel to the west. You must leave for the village tomorrow morning. You will find a girl there and you must protect her!” She asked if the village was Runda. “Good you know it, now go and get rest, you have a long journey.”
“One question, is Minato here because of you? And if so what is his purpose?” His response was Minato was his will, and he was to help her become greater. “Well then why...” A bolt of lightning hit Raijin and he vanished. It took a minute for her to get herself together. Then she smiled saying, “I kissed a god... YES!”
A week later,
at Runda...
“Find the girl. She has to be here somewhere!” The girl they were looking for was hiding in a hidden room in a dry well. Along with her 2 older sisters.
From the distance...
“Milady I sense two great powers in the burning village. They wont be as easy as half asleep soldiers like we've been fighting lately. Is this truly what you want” asked Jault? Sakuya told her this was a gods desire. They were honor bound to follow. “Minato your with her majesty, along with the 1st unit. 2nd and 3rd units with me. Second wave, wait for the signal to advance... CHARGE!”
“Please don't hurt my children!” The enemy was attacked by her son and he felt it necessary to kill him and his brother. The father pleaded to him to spare them.
“I don't believe in mercy to rebels.” The kitsune smiled and locked eyes with the boy. Out of his eyes came lightning that snatched his soul. Then sucked it into his eyes. Soldiers came to him saying there were rebels on their way here. “Well, we will just have to greet them with our special welcome. Get Crows to stop messing around and meet our enemy.” He saluted Caws and went to tell the brother.
Upon the clash...
Crows sent lightning at the ground beneath them causing explosions. Minato shielded most of them and Caws stepped forth. He took a bow and shot it right into the heart of the enemy and caused paralysis. Jault rushed the two of them with her thunder beast form. Sakuya threw a merged talisman at Caws and he flew back into a building.
Crows targeted her because of what she did, but Jault was on him. She collided with Crows and hit him hard. Sakuya was focused on saving the people. She rode past Caws and focused on the soldiers. She threw 2 more talismans into the masses. The bang sent them flying away from the captured people.
Part 3
Another July
In the well...
“Please milady July you must stay hidden.” She shouted she wanted her mama! “Your mother is fighting to keep you alive. Rushing out to help her would be useless and dangerous!”
“Hey! Whose down there?” July went deathly silent in fear. You better come up here or I'll drop smoke down there. July's friends told her to stay quiet. They climbed the rope to the top. The soldier put his dagger into one of them and her body fell down the well. July screamed her friends name in panic. “I knew there was another girl. Come up or I'll kill your other friend.” July started climbing the rope, but heard battle above. When she reached the top Sakuya was there.
“You're another July aren't you?” She asked who she was. “My name is Sakuya milady. I need to get you out of here immediately.” She wanted her mama! “You are more important milady.
“I'm ordering you to save my mama!” Where was her mother and what did she look like? “My mama is with my brother. She has green flowers in her hair. Sakuya told July to stay at her hip. As they ran into the village, Sakuya saw Caws in her path.
“Thank you for finding the girl for me. I'll be taking her off your hands if you don't mind.” Sakuya pulled out a talisman that was pulsing with power. She told Caws to back off. “I'll wager you don't know how to use the power your wielding.”
“Can you afford to take that chance?” Caws reached for his bow and Sakuya hit him hard. A bolt of lightning went strait through his body. Right where his heart would be.
Crows saw her kill his brother and it put him in a rage. The ground beneath them was struck and blew up. Sakuya grabbed July close to her. When the blast cleared they were untouched. Minato protected them with a shield from a far.
“I'm certainly glad that worked the way I thought it would.” Jault got between Crows and them in her beast form. Crows screamed traitor to her. Jault used a breath attack hitting him with bolts and Crows deflected it at first. But it was consistent and he was being pushed back. Jault decided to up her juice and doubled her attack power.
Crows couldn't take the attack any longer. His body turned to a bolt and he vanished. Jault then looked at the girls starting to ask if Sakuya was okay. When she saw July, she bowed her head.
“MAMA!” Sakuya looked towards the mother rushing to her girl. Minato ran to them as well. Saying another wave of soldiers were coming. They needed to flee, and now!
In the mountain range...
“They are no longer following milady.” Sakuya told them to head back to the base. They were going to hold out here until the pressure wore off a bit. “Very good Milady.” When their force had departed Jault looked at the mother. Wanting to know what she was thinking when she named her daughter July.
“I wanted that tyrant to be removed from power!” Jault started frantically asking questions in a harsh tone. Why weren't they in hiding, didn't they know this and that? Did she think this would go unnoticed? Finally Sakuya slammed her hand on the table.
“Jault enough, you are upsetting our new empress by harassing her mother. Lady July, I want to relocate you in Mountain territory for the time being. I have loyal friends that are watching over refugees. That are mostly young women hiding from my uncle.”
“That is most generous, however I just want you to send my mother and brother. I wish to remain with you and spear head your movement.” Sakuya didn't hesitate to agree to those terms. The mother said she wasn't going to leave her girl with rebels! “Mother we knew this day would come eventually. I promise to come visit.”
When Mountain took her kin away. Sakuya offered her lady her fur blankets to sleep on. July ignored that gesture and asked about the legendary talisman she used?
“I wouldn't call them legendary, their just merged talismans.” She begged to differ, a lightning bolt that can bore through a Thunder kitsune. Is nothing less than legendary.
“Milady's, I would see you get some sleep. My bedroll is at your disposal. I want the two of you to sleep well. We have a long journey ahead of us” Jault explained. July told Sakuya she wanted her close while she slept. It would put her at ease.
“Okay I'll sleep next to you milady” Sakuya agreed.