My Heaven
-Girls Night Out-
By Michael James
(During the war of the 4 brothers)
Part 1
In her bedroom,
early one morning...
“You want to go to a club?” Rapier looked at her brother saying she wanted to live a little bit. “Uncle Wessex would not approve of this.” Wessex wasn't around to debate this. “Okay fare enough, I will make it happen.” Kenneth turned and left her room. When the door closed Rapier was thinking, yes! She went into her closet to find an outfit. A bit later her wife came in asking if they got permission.
“Yes we did. Tell me, do you think this skirt is to short.” Emma looked at her and said yes it was. “Oh, well you need to find something to wear as well.”
In the city,
at a popular club...
“We are closed sir, we open at 9.” Kenneth told the employee this was business. “Wait you are lord Kenneth? My lord please excuse my rudeness, how can I be of help?”
“Their majesties want to come here tonight.” He laughed thinking this was a joke. “Why do you laugh?” He looked Kenneth in the eye saying this was no place for the two queens. He was laughing because he knew he was joking. “I assure you I am not jest.” His face went from happy to shocked. “I've been all over the city, this was the place most recommended.” Of course he was happy to welcome them. But this wasn't court, it was a place of... “I know what kind of place this is.”
At night,
around 10pm...
“You need to promise you will stay with Vala. I mean both of you!” Emma was just as excited as Rapier. They told Kenneth they would stay with Vala. He mainly wanted this because it was to crowded for soldiers. The girls were taken to the club and were stopped by the bouncer. He was sure he had seen their faces before, but still let them in.
In the club...
“Well, what do you want to do first” asked Emma. Then a guy walked behind her and felt her butt. “Hello!” She said to herself. Rapier looked at her and said she wanted to dance. Vala almost broke the guys arm, but this was a club it was going to happen often.
As the girls walked to the dance floor. They saw a girl taking her top off. Rapier was thinking wow this was different. She took Emma's hand and they just moved with the music. A bit later, a guy walked up to them and asked if he could buy Rapier a drink.
“Absolutely, but she needs a drink as well.” He welcomed the fact he was talking to two women. They walked up to the bar. He ordered 3 drake waters, which was like whiskey, but stronger. Rapier sipped hers and thought this tasted awful. Emma however, slugged the whole shot. “Sweety, you can really put it away.”
“Excuse me, could you look at me” asked the guy? Rapier did as requested. “I swear I've seen your face before. Both of you, what are your names?” They preferred not to identify themselves. “You must be nobility or something then.” Something like that. Rapier asked the barkeeper for a sweet drink.
This was the guy her brother interviewed earlier. He served her a liquor and kept quiet. After 3 of the drinks Rapier was feeling loopy. Emma was smashed too. Vala was clear in the head, and the guy buying them drinks was pretty drunk as well.
The next morning...
“Oh man, my head” said the guy. He moved his hand and felt a breast. He moved his other hand and felt a thigh. He smiled as he sat up. His hangover wasn't that bad. He was feeling quite accomplished that was in bed with two women. Until he looked at Emma and realized who she was. He looked to the other side and saw Rapier.
Part 2
After he screamed...
“Oh, my head hurts like I got hit with a mallet. Please don't scream again” muttered Rapier. He looked around his surroundings and realized he was in Thier bedroom. Emma sat up asking why he screamed like that? Kenneth came running in wanting to know why they were yelling. “Brother, I'm not wearing a top, get out!”
“Am I going to be put to death!?” Kenneth went outside asking both girls to put something on. The guy was freaking out like a cat seeing a hungry wolf. “Your majesties, I swear I don't know what I was thinking getting in bed with you two. Please I have dragons that depend on me. I...” Emma told him to please stop shouting!
“I thought you were very good last night Rick.” His name was actually Nick. He was fuzzy on the events of last night. “We didn't do it the traditional way, so relax.” He couldn't relax, he was in bed with the two queens. There was a knock on the door. Kenneth told them to get dressed they had to go to court.
“Yes brother.” Rapier stood up wearing nothing. Nick couldn't help but see her beauty. Emma asked the big guy what he was staring at? He swore it was nothing. They got up and put on underwear. Informing Kenneth they were ready to be dressed. Kenneth asked if the guy was dressed? “He has his boxers on.”
As Nick was escorted out of the room. Kenneth pinned him to the wall, asking if he knew, not to tell a soul? Nick nodded yes, and said no one would know. Then off you go.
As he went into their chamber they were almost done getting dressed. He asked “did your majesties get your fill?” Emma, thought it was amusing the way he reacted. Rapier was a little flustered that he was staring at her. “I hope you both know this cant happen again?”
“Why not” asked Rapier?
“Because your council wants my head for letting it happen. Also what were you thinking bringing a guy home with you!?” Rapier told him she enjoyed dancing at the club. She was going to go again. “Little fencer, those who serve under you are pis...”
In the throne room,
the last addressed citizen...
“My family is facing a crisis, my queens.” Go on. “We have a sick son, he needs special medicine.” What kind of medicine? “Natural nectar.” What was his sons condition? “He may lose his arm if not treated soon.” They would get the medicine, what was he offering? “My son is a good fighter, he would make an excellent soldier.”
“Very well, I will grant the medicine. Speak to our councilman tomorrow morning.” He bowed to them and left. The girls stood up and the room took the knee. “Lets go to our room Emma.” As they walked down the hall Emma whispered in her ear. Were they going to sneak out and go dancing again? Rapier looked at her with a smile and nodded. And when night fell, the queens used the escape tunnel to get to the city. They went to the same club and started to dance.
“Nick! Its good to see you again. Who did you bring with you?” He introduced his friends. 3 very muscular boys. To the girls they were oo la la, but they weren't stupid about this either. The biggest boy told Nick that he was pleased he didn't lie after all. “Who are your friends Nick?” He was melancholy and silent.
“Do you lovely ladies want to go to a real party?” Emma told them to leave. They were enjoying the club more. “Come on don't be like that. I swear you will have a good time.” Rapier was becoming scared of them. “Okay if that's the way you want it. We are going to find some baby dragons and hurt them.”
A switch went off in Rapier's head. They were going to hurt baby dragons! It was an unforgivable threat. Emma was feeling the same way. And these 3 guys were acting very smug.
“So what's it going to be?”
“Emma take the pis.., I'll take the shi...” They attacked the boys and the whole club backed away. Emma beat the hell out of the smaller two boys. Rapier pulled out a dagger she had under her skirt. She wasn't as successful with him as Emma was with his friends. He disarmed her and fractured her arm. Nick got on top of him and pulled the guy off her. He swung around and hurt Nick's leg.
As the guy moved back, his sights went to Rapier and he found blades to his neck. Kenneth just arrived with a dozen soldiers. Rapier wasn't going to cry in public but her eyes were tearing up.
Part 3
An injury
In their bedroom closet,
after her cast was put on...
“Please stop crying love.” Rapier told Emma that she was useless. They could have gotten killed or abducted. Vala knocked on the door saying her uncle was here. Rapier froze in terrified fear. Emma told Vala that this was not a good time for a lecture.
“My queens, are you dressed?” Wessex asked with a concerned tone and not in anger. Emma took off her top saying that she wasn't descent. “Please make time for me later. I will scald you both, but that's days away. I just need to know you are okay.” Vala wagered they lied about their modesty. She opened the door and Wessex got a good look. Before she covered herself with her hands.
“Dammit Vala!” Wessex turned away as fast as he could. Telling Vala what she did was subject to a beating! “Please forgive me your majesty” Vala shouted slamming the door shut.
“Sweetheart dress yourself.” Emma put her shirt back on and Rapier put on clothes over her underwear. “I'm coming out uncle.” Wessex faced the other way as the door opened. Rapier walked out feeling quite ashamed. “Uncle please scald me and get it over with.”
“Very well, do you understand that...”
After he yelled at her,
for several minutes...
“I'm honestly, just glad you are okay.” She stood there feeling great shame. She told him she would retire now. Wessex had threatened to put a watch on her if she did this again. She went back in the closet with Emma. Who came out to hold her hand as he shouted. Wessex left the room and told Vala to watch her like a hawk.
In the privet cells,
of the castle...
“Oh yeah, we really showed the queens a good time.” The guy in charge was resting off his whipping. While his friends were thinking about, just how dead they were. One shouted to the boss what were they thinking? Would they had ever lived after they took the queens home. Meanwhile in the cell next door. Nick was writing a last will. Thinking about how he really messed up. Soldiers came to Nick's door and told him to come with them. “You better not rat us out maggot!”
In front of Wessex...
“I don't think I need to tell you how serious this is.” Nick was on his good knee asking if he was to be killed. “What do you think?” He wrote a will, would it at least make its way to the right people? “I will honor your request after you tell me every detail.”
“Those guys preyed on me. I would find beautiful women and they would move in. Talk them into going back to their place for rough sex. After they were done with the girls, they would throw them into the street. Sometimes wearing nothing at all. Which other guys waited to move in on when that time came.”
Then in walked,
queen Rapier...
“Uncle, I will defend him.”
“I'm sure he appreciates your sympathies, but...” She apologized, she was the queen and took orders of court from no one. “Your majesty...” Was that not the case or was she wrong? “What would you have done about him?” He would work for her as a servant until such time she released him. “The queen has spoken, put him in servant garments.” The room cleared out and Rapier stood looking at uncle.
“Please forgive me for arguing with you in front of your court. May I ask why you are taking pity on him?” Rapier said he had noble blood. “Sorry?”
“When the time comes for me and Emma to produce eggs. The two of us decided he would be our consort.” Wessex thought for a second, and realized it would work. A no name name noble who no one would miss. Very well, he would make the court approve.
Days later...
“Your majesties, the prisoners.” The 3 boys were in terrible shape. They were covered in lashes and bruises. The boss was missing several teeth. Emma knew this wasn't Rapier's cup of tea. She spoke out and ordered them to death.
“You stupid... you know... what we will do...” The boss couldn't even talk right his jaw hurt so bad. Emma told Kenneth to take him out and behead him now. “WE SEE!” He jumped up and charged Rapier on her throne. She took her silver sword and ran his heart through.
Part 4
Nick's role
After the incident...
“Way to go” Emma told Rapier when they got back to their room. She looked Emma in the eye. Killing a man was heavy on the heart. “I know you aren't used to that ever since count...
“DO NOT SAY HIS NAME!” Emma backed off and apologized. She asked what she wanted to do now? “I want to talk to our consort.” Emma smiled thinking this would be fun.
An hour later,
after they got all pretty...
“Your majesties, I thank you for not...” He said entering the room. Once he looked at them with make up on and questionable clothes. “May I ask what is going on here?” Emma asked if really needed them to spell this out for him? “I think I know what's happening. I just need assurance.” Rapier told him that his new job was to be a male consort. “You cant be serious, there is no way I'm that lucky?”
“Are you coming to bed or not” asked Emma?
My Heaven
-The Visit-
By Michael James
Part 1
I'm screwed
In the bedroom,
of the Queens...
“Exactly, how is this going to work” Nick asked? Emma told him it wasn't that hard to figure out. They needed eggs and he was their consort. “Actually what I meant was...” Emma asked him to unhook her bra. “This cant be happening, I must be the luckiest guy in all existence.” He said under his breath as he did as asked.
“If your question is will we be romantically involved. The answer is no, we will be impregnated by you, not be your wives. Rapier is in the library for another hour so could we just start?” He shook his head and took her to bed. He got on top of her and they did the deed.
An hour later...
“Knock knock, I'm coming in.” Rapier walked in on them doing other stuff in bed besides making eggs. “I apologize Emma, but I want to get this over with so we can sleep.” Emma begged for 15 more minutes. “Then I'll be in the bathroom for 15 minutes.”
When it was Rapier's turn, Emma went out to the balcony. She was a little more uncomfortable with this concept than Emma was. It felt wrong to be in bed with a guy like this.
“I prefer to have my top on okay. Lets just get this over with.” Rapier had her eyes closed almost the whole time. It was very disconcerting and he felt awkward as well. When it was over, she told him he was done for the night.
“Yes, your majesty.”
After Nick left,
and Emma came in...
“Are you crying!?” Rapier was crying. Emma asked if he hurt her?
“No, the guy was a gentleman, I'm just not as cool with this as I thought I would be. Yes we were in bed with him before, but we were smashed.” Emma got into bed and held her tight. The two women woke the next morning to a knock on the door. Emma opened it in a robe. She wanted to know why a physician was here?
“I am here to check on your health after each night with the consort.” Emma told her to come back in the afternoon. “I am sorry but lord Wessex...” And Emma had told her to come back in a few hours! Rapier didn't need a person checking her lower half right now. “I understand I will come back later.” Emma closed the door and got back into bed. Rapier asked who it was? “An egg doctor...”
In the barracks,
training yard...
“Is that him?”
“Yeah, that's the guy for the queens.” These 2 brutish men walked up to Nick and wanted to know how he got his position? “How does a little noble boy get to be the queens stud?”
“It's improper for me to discuss it, I have training to do.” Nick started to walk away and they accosted him. Saying they were not done talking to him. They wanted to know why he gets to bed them? “And I told you it was indecent for me to discuss!” Then one of them punched him in the face. Saying he wasn't man enough for his position, and he needed to leave. “Only the queens can make that decision.”
“Leave him alone” said a captain putting his blade to their necks. Many other soldiers put their blades to them. It was mainly because of the captain. The guys were arrested and led away. “So you are the one the queens chose?” And again it was indecent to discuss. “Kid I like you, your head isn't full of arrogance, its proper. Well, I am your instructor. Lets get started with what you know.”
Back in the girls bedroom...
“Is this truly necessary?”
“The doctor told Rapier this was ordered by her uncle. “Yes, but I think I'll know myself when I miss my... you know.” The doctor told her she could get dressed. Neither one was pregnant.
“What is really going on here” Emma asked? She told the queens there were many who were uncomfortable with this arrangement. Once they were pregnant this thing with the guy would end. Her job was to tell them when the end came.
Part 2
In the dining hall...
“You summoned me my Queens?” Rapier told Nick to join them for lunch. “Of course.” He sat at the long table with them on the opposite side of Emma. The servant asked what he wanted to eat. “What they are having looks good.” Rapier told the staff to give them some privacy. After the room emptied he spoke. “My queen, I did not mean to make you...”
“I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night” said Rapier. His face went blank. “Obviously you were nervous as well. I didn't mean to...” Nick told her it was his fault.
“What are your plans tonight?” Emma asked moving her foot up his thigh? Nick asked if they wanted to be bedded again tonight? “We are going to try something different. Instead of sharing you in one night. You will be with one or the other the full night. And my wife wants you first.” He was coughing with her foot where it was.
“Is that okay with you” asked Rapier? Nick said it was more than fine. Emma moved her foot away, and let him be. He was more or less disturbed by her advances. Still, they ate a nice meal together. He returned to his studies of the sword after.
“You handled him well, love.” Rapier was blushing like crazy. She didn't really know how to feel about this. “If it helps you have my approval to mate with him.”
“That does make me feel better” she responded, then they kissed. As night came into focus. Rapier made herself look gorgeous and wore black lingerie.
When they were alone...
“Your majesty, you look scared?” Rapier asked him if they could hold off on mating tonight. She just wanted him to hold her while she slept. “I am more than fine with that. Although, I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
“Then come to bed.”
When the freezing dawn came,
Rapier saw a figure on her terrace...
Nick was asleep behind her holding her by the hips. She was very comfortable and didn't want to move. Still she thought it was a male staff member, but had no clue of the name. She carefully got loose and walked on the deck in her robe. When she saw who it was her heart skipped a beat from terror.
“Uncle Norsex, what, what... why are, why are you..?” He informed her he did not come to start trouble. “Please don't hurt me.” He wasn't here to harm her either. Rapier missed a step backing away and fell on her butt. Following that she started to cry from fear. Norsex got on his knee to show her loyalty.
“I have no issue with you, your majesty.” Rapier cried he was her enemy, her other uncles were at war with him. Why would he come here if not to harm or kill her? “I will call a truce, if certain conditions are met. Afterwards I will turn myself in on the condition I get a reduced sentence.” What did he want? “The planets in the Andrel area under your rule. I want to be recognized as a leader of the territory loyal to you.” She spoke that was 27 planets. “That will continue to serve you.”
“I cant make that deal uncle. It gives you dominance over your brothers.” Would she rather he kill her uncles and force her to advocate her chair. “Why would you hurt your people at all?” Because he was a king, who needed to be announced!
“You need to leave” said Nick holding a sword in the doorway. Norsex looked at him asking if he knew who he was. “Yes, you are a lord who is forcing his resolve on a queen of kings.” He got off his knee and Nick got between them.
“I'm not leaving from fear boy, I am going for respect. Just remember queen niece, I tried to end this peacefully.” He turned into a dragon, flew into the ocean and swam away.
“Your majesty..?”
When morning came...
“Hello I'm coming... in?” Emma looked at the bed and it was bare. She saw Rapier's robe on the terrace. And knew where to look next and in the closet that had a bed, frame and all. Rapier was attached to Nick like glue and he had a good hold on her. Emma slipped into the bed waking him, but not her wife. “Nick, what happened?” Lord Norsex, paid her her a visit last night. “WHAT THE FU..!”
Part 3
3 in bed
After Emma shouted...
“Emma, I was scared... I'm sorry, I didn't come to you.” Emma smacked Nick across the face. Shouting, why he didn't report this!? “I asked him to not leave me alone.”
“There are alarms throughout the castle for a reason you idiot!” Rapier begged her to stop shouting. Emma told Nick to get out of the closet and return to his room. He got up and got dressed then left. “Love, are you hurt anywhere?” Rapier started crying out of hysteria. “Love, I'm sorry. I was angry and I handled it badly. Please stop crying like that.” She grabbed Emma and just let it out. After crying for more than 40 minutes. Rapier passed out and Emma held her tight. When the physician showed up Emma threatened her if she didn't leave.
After half a day...
“Hello, will you two be wanting lunch in your room today?” Emma sat up after being woken up. She wasn't wearing anything, neither was Rapier. She wrapped a blanket around her and answered. “I obviously came at a bad time, I will return later.”
“Servant, I need you to bring me captain Tense.” She bowed and went to retrieve him. The captain of the guard came as soon as he could. He asked what was wrong.
“We have a breach captain. A powerful enemy somehow got through security. He visited the first queen last night and scared her to death.” Who was the intruder? “I believe it was lord Norsex. Tense turned white as a sheet. The castle would be searched top to bottom. He would not rest until it was all clear.
“Emma... EMMA!”
“Hop to it.” Emma ordered, then went to Rapier's side. “I'm here love. I was just out in the bedroom talking with Tense.” She told her wife she wanted Nick to be with them. He stood up to to her uncle. Knowing very well that he would die. “I'll send for him be calm for a second. When Nick was summoned he knew he was going to be punished. He came in the bedroom door and saw Emma.
“Please make my death quick.”
“Did you really stand up to one of the great brothers?” Yes he did. “You have got some steel dragon bone balls guy.” He was going to hurt her, what else was he supposed to do? “Do you know how easily he could have killed you, Nick?”
“I say it again, it was the right thing to do.” Emma leaned in and kissed him asking him to come to bed. “I would be happy to do so.” The bed in the closet wasn't meant for 3 people, but they made it work. They skipped dinner and just embraced each other. Nick was in the middle of a sandwich, and felt he could die happy.
Off in the dark corners,
of the planets ocean...
“I want you to observe this male consort. See if you can manipulate him with coin or threats. I will have a way for you to get in contact with me.” Norsex was talking to a teenage girl dragon. She was very beautiful and just as deadly. She would not disappoint her master. After they spoke Norsex opened a portal in the ocean to take him to another planet.
At the castle,
the following day...
Your majesties, a young girl who is injured requests an audience.” Rapier wanted to know if this could wait until she was better? “She says she has information on lord Norsex.” Rapier stood up and so did Emma. She told her council men to get off his knee and take them to her. The girl was waiting outside in the hall. Her arm was broken and lip was swollen. She fell to her knees saying he was in Ashtain, then passed out. Emma told the councilman to send aid there at once!
When the girl woke...
“You slept like a rock.” Said Emma sitting by the bed. She had a shocked expression on her face. Why would a queen be her nurse!? “You came a long way to warn us. We are still sending military to Ashtain. My in law has been making a nuisance of himself. She looked at the table beside her bed. On it was fruit and a knife. “Of course help yourself to the fruit, but could I get your name by chance?”
“Well Rory, we will take care of you here. If you are able to read I could use a librarian. At least that way, you wouldn't have to go back to the ruin city.” She would be happy to be her slave. “Oh no, you will be paid and have your own room.
“It would be my honor...”