Gregor- Swamp River Runner

A special dedication to Greg Gouge who this character is named after.

Greg was the best friend I ever had.

Narrated by Riven

Gregor is the king of of all 3 classes of River Runners. His nickname is the Swamp Harpy and even though he is male, the name stuck early on. Gregor's abilities are strength and juggernaut endurance. He has the strength to lift immensely heavy targets like dragons. And his body has never been penetrated by a weapon, magic or element.

Gregor's personality is is noble and strong. Often when I summon him and other River Runner beasts they will follow him more confidently into battle.

His sword is a weapon of great weight. The blade is made by magic, yes, but has the weight of an elephant. And he can wield it like its a regular sword. The weapons weight is not the only benefit, it has the power to burn, freeze and shock at Gregor's will. He could even summon all 3 attributes at once. Downside to that trick is it drains my magic power much faster. And he has wing's that carry him through the air with speed and agility.

I like to use him only in tough fights when his strength is needed. I do think I could use him to win every battle, but it wouldn't be fair to the other River Runners. Also a head on melee fighter isn't suited for every kind of match. Like Rival is more used for magic opponents, Puck is for speedy challengers and Jin is for witty guys. The list goes on, for a different River Runner for each situation

Puck- Swamp River Runner

Narrated by Riven

Puck has spent most of his time under my service as a trickster in battle. He has gifts of deception as well as manipulation. But his main power is speed. His other power is to throw his voice like a ventriloquist.

Now his personality is a wise guy, I will admit gets on my nerves quite often. He is undisciplined and doesn't do the job I tell him too. He gets the job done most of the time, but not how I want it done. He can't resist the urge to play with his opponents as much as possible. I once summoned Gregor just to put Puck in his place. Neither one were happy about that summoning.

I was requested by him to let him mingle with women. An odd request by a summon beast, but I allowed it in order for him to behave in fights. Though it is hard to spend my pay on his flattery, just because he obeys me.

Gregor and Puck work well together, an almost invincible duo in battle against armies. And yes my magic level is of the elite class. I just find it difficult to maintain for very long periods of time, Before I black out.

Unlike Gregor, Puck has fought other River Runners. Gregor refuses to fight others in summon battles, but Puck enjoys the challenge.

Rival- Water River Runner

Narrated by Riven

Rival is a tough one to explain to put it mildly. She is an obedient summon beast and I have never once had problems with her acting against my orders. But that's not the same case with 90 percent of the others who summon her. I get along with her out of respect not out of the chain of command.

Rival feels if a master is arrogant and is slightly more powerful than her. She must make it known to them she will not serve them if they think they are better than her. I have heard from her own lips she has killed unworthy masters on a regular basis.

Now Rival is a talented and powerful summon. Her power is to control steam that is rumored to be hotter than fire itself. She has walked through quarries of solid rock in a straight line, this seen by my own eyes. If she went up against a fire user she wins 9 out of 10. Her pride is her worst enemy in battle, I must say. If her master gets on her bad side, that's one thing. If her opponent rials her up, she will fight to the last.

She told me once that a master fell in love with her. He was a crook and some of the worst filth Ganta has ever seen. But he treated her well and would not unsummon her. He died of magic deprivation, but she will remember him till the end of time.